Best ways to preserve gas tanks

I have a dc-4 case and have had rust and other contamination issues for over the last 30 years I have

Had tank soaked out at a rad shop

Put bolts in it and suspended it from a loader rinsed it with many different substances while shaking it with bolts in it to chip the scale

Bought the Por 15 tank treatment kit and followed the instructions as best I could
It didn’t turn out the best as I couldn’t get the extra out of the tank due to the shape of the tank so I turned it upside down and let dry for over a month so the extra would stay on the top of the tank and not bother too much but even still after the tank sad with fuel in it for a few days it was to contaminated with the tank sealer to even run so I finally got frustrated and cut the tank open and I’m in the process of scraping and buffing the inside of the tank until it’s as clean as possible my question is is there any ways of sealing the tank so it doesn’t rust other than por 15 I would like a permanent solution to this issue and im tempted to try to coat the inside with lead is there any better ideas?


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