Bought a UTU?

Matt L

Bought a running UTU off craigslist. Got it home and was reading the manual and it had UTU, UTS,UTC . The UTU is narrow front and the UTS could have 2 different sized rear tires. So I go recheck the serial # to see if its a UTS - nope.

Wide front looks like its always been there, has all the original paint on the lower half of the tractor and nones missing off the bolts.

Any ideas?
That is a standard frontaxle but a row crop rear my guess is that some body anted a standard when they bought there new tractor the dealer could not come up with one so they swapped the front bolster out for a standard front axle and sold it to the guy not uncommon to find a MM with the wrong front end under it
Are the rear axles a standard axle? I can't quite tell by the picture. Maybe you have what you could call a UT "BS" lol.
Yup its a regular row crop rear.

I guess it would be a UTUS

Should got good with my low height UTS
I have an RTU/RTE two halves bolted together. Serial plate on trans says RTU, engine plate shows it was different year RTE. Anything to keep them going. Still looks good runs great.

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