Brazing Nut onto Stripped Farmall 140 Steering Box Mounting Hole

Type of drill bit and size of drill bit needed for this procedure ? The OEM threads are 5/8 coarse which is what I'd like to keep it at.
The Helicoil system uses Helicoil taps that are totally non standard. They are the same thread pitch as the original threads, but bigger (to proprietary Helicoil Specifications. they come in the set (plastic sleeve) with the insertion tool shown in the image already here. The use of the Insert style thread repair uses standard taps and can be less expensive. and quite often less of a pain to to prep for and are very strong. Jim
The Helicoil system uses Helicoil taps that are totally non standard. They are the same thread pitch as the original threads, but bigger (to proprietary Helicoil Specifications. they come in the set (plastic sleeve) with the insertion tool shown in the image already here. The use of the Insert style thread repair uses standard taps and can be less expensive. and quite often less of a pain to to prep for and are very strong. Jim
I realize that the taps come with the kit but was asking about the drill bit needed to drill the hole out.
Type of drill bit and size of drill bit needed for this procedure ? The OEM threads are 5/8 coarse which is what I'd like to keep it at.
When you get the kit, they will tell you the size bit required for the Helicoil tap. The threads will be 5/8-11 if that is the kit you want.

They used to include the drill bit but don’t anymore. You will have to procure that yourself.
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Got her split. Will order a hell coil kit and USA made drill bit and get her done!
What do you do in that shop? Looks like a nice layout.
I use it to work on my tractors. It belongs to an uncle that uses it for storage. He has an industrial sand blasting and painting business that blasts and coats structural steel by the truck load.

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