Case 530ck Diesel Missing fuel injection pump


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Looking for some advice on how to go about a pickle I ve got myself into. Long story short I bought a tractor I am planning on getting up and going, needs a lot of work. I believe a 68 case 530CK diesel. Long story short the fuel injection pump was stolen and I have no part #s and don t know where to start looking. Also the lines from the pump to the injectors are gone. Anyone have part #s for a pump that would fit this particular tractor? Or where I can find a cheap used/ rebuildable one? Thanks for reading
ABilene Machine perhaps ,Buying new will cost more than what
You have in the tractor ,. Interstate injection in Seymour Ind.
is REAL Good ,You will need to identify the injector line you
need . Thad at Ruscha might be a good source also ,,..Good luck

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