Case Dealerships

Mike Orr

Can anyone help with any information on existing Case dealerships and locations in 1936 around the northeast Ohio area?

My build card was burned in the big fire and I have no info on where my RC was sold from. Thank you!

I hate to admit this but I probably don't have that dealership. JI Case was late to the dealership game and most of the dealers had already signed up with JD or IH, so they ended up with hardware stores, blacksmith shops, service stations, general stores, feed mills, etc. Case was just a sideline to most of these and it was the Great Depression. So, very little advertising from many Case dealers of that era. And, that is how I find old Case dealers, now mostly through newspaper archives. I would be happy to send you the dealer database if you'd like. It goes by state, alphabetically. Today I'm working on Case car dealerships. Don
Thanks again. I found a few places very close to where my tractor was located back in 1936. Unfortunately my build card is no longer in existence. A gentlemen on this site checked for it and advised it was toasted.

Was doing a search on dealerships , found this post . Close to me in north East Ohio was case dealer in Lenox,ohio about that time.
Here’s a side note . Ashland college is in Ashland, Ohio. Their mascot is the Eagles 🦅. Fraternity would set out as initiation were to go out and bring Case dealerships old Abe’s and bring them back . At the college when I visited it was an excellent representation of these Abe’s . If it is still there today I dont know,but 25 years ago it was. Go Eagles

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