Ford 134 hydraulic oil

40 some years ago I bought 5 gallon buckets labeled hydraulic oil 134 for the 2 Fords I had at the time . Later as I had more Fords I stocked up on Ambra multi G 134 from my Ford tractor dealer. Today when I bought 5 gallons it came in a black bucket with a pasted on Case New Holland label . I was told this is for all tractors Ford has made. Since my collection includes 8ns, 641,841,961, 2000, 3400, 3600, and 4500. I need to know if this is right for all hydraulics and gearboxes
You should probably use 80W-90 gear oil in the final drives and steering pedestal of your 961 row crop tractor.
I am not again your recommendation but yes 134 oil can be used in all his Ford tractor drive trans. I have converted a few 8N's to live hydraulics, because I used the differential housing as a oil sump I used 134 oil in'em.
134 comes in many flavors.....A,B,C and D. D is recommended for any hydrostatic devices and wet brakes. I have a 3600 of your listing and it doesn't have wet brakes and the power steering is supplemental, meaning its not hydrosatic, its hydraulic assistance. My current 3000 has drum brakes too but my 3910 has wet brakes. I would expect that your listing is OK with non D version of 134. I don't know the differences in the upgrades other than the D.

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