Ford 8 n no oil pressure


New User
I have a Ford 8n that we were using to cut grass with. Season ended we loaded it up just fine. When we went to unload it I heard ticking, looked at the oil pressure and it was a big fat donut!
We've done an oil change since fired it up as expected a bit of clicking but it went away. Still no oil pressure on the gauge. It sounds like it's getting oil but not enough.
Ideas / help/ please
Hello LS welcome to YT! First step is to verify the zero pressure with a second quality gauge. These machines don’t have hydraulic valve lifters or common push rods and rocker arms like a conventional overhead valve engine would have. I am just saying that because the common clicking heard in most automotive applications when the oil is low is from the hydraulic lifters. I am assuming attaching the manufacturer on line parts catalog. See Engine Section; subsection 06C01. CNHI Ford 8N parts catalog

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