Ford 861 PTO Seal Replacement

I've seen YouTube videos about replacing the seal and bearing on an 800 series tractor. I've also seen a few on the N series tractors.

One video on the N series tractors said the PTO lever should be engaged to keep the spline in place as the shaft is removed, otherwise it might drop down. The videos also showed the broomstick handle trick to raise it back up.

I am about to pull the PTO shaft on my 861 and was wondering if the PTO lever should be engages on the 800 series tractors as well. Or does it matter, engaged or not. Have not seen any 800 series videos mention it, but didn't want any surprises.
So, I could not find any information on whether the PTO should be engaged or not, so I just engaged it and all was well.

If you are about to undertake this job, be sure to order parts that match the size of your PTO shaft. The YouTube video I was following along was for the 1-1/8th inch shaft and mine was the standard 1-3/8th inch shaft and the bearing and sleeve are different sizes. I'm not going to tell you if I I ordered the wrong size replacement parts, but I did.

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