It s Finally Finished but have a few bugs to work out


Well-known Member
Happy Thanksgiving to all! Thank you to everyone that has provided help to me over the course of the repair of this tractor. I do have a major mid-chassis leak that just appeared and a couple electrical bugs to work out but I m happy it s done and it turned out fairly nice!!







RTR ,Great Job,paint and color spot on,detail 100%,great workman ship,super Good Job,looks better than when new,one to be very proud of!
Turned out real nice! If, by your memorial plaque, you are in or near Florence AL, please bring it to next year's Crossroads of Dixie show in Lawrenceburg, TN and we'll meet up!

Nice and nicer when someone gets the grey correct. I started a restore on a N 20 years ago as strays showed up it got kicked into a corner I doubt I will ever get back to it. I did spend a few weeks on another got it going let it set for a year then pulled it out and put it to work its been setting for 10 years. The N I fixed up 25 years ago and the best of the bunch I sold to a friend he paid top dollar for it.

Anyone that thinks that one way is the way to fix it all is lost in space you adapt as you go till you find away that works. I am sure you have found that out. Some N owners have flew the coup, as they moved up in size they brought a Ford thousand series and never looked back.
Looking at the air cleaner . . . I was wrong.
I thought that the 8N's were exclusively vegetarian
and ingested only green. (?)

(quoted from post at 17:04:27 11/27/23) Looking at the air cleaner . . . I was wrong.
I thought that the 8N's were exclusively vegetarian
and ingested only green. (?)


Nope! That little tractor in the glass jar is a Turd Ferguson! I thought that was an appropriate tractor to put in there! Haha. Unfortunately, it s not as recognizable as a Deere so you have to explain it to everyone!!
(quoted from post at 12:20:44 11/24/23)
(quoted from post at 07:13:27 11/24/23)
(quoted from post at 09:01:00 11/24/23)

What s the problem on the left side?

Problem on the left side?

yes, what are you hiding over there?

Gotcha. Didn t realize I didn t post a picture of that side. Here you go.

(quoted from post at 08:31:10 11/25/23) Nice and nicer when someone gets the grey correct.

Thank you. I do strive for originality where practical. Wrong colors bother me although I ve been known to paint a Ford 641 the same red and same grey because it s my favorite Ford Tractor color combo! I also wanted that "Add on" cyclone air cleaner to be pained red to distinguish it from the hood. I still do it my way while trying to be practical and tasteful
(quoted from post at 21:00:24 11/27/23)
(quoted from post at 12:20:44 11/24/23)
(quoted from post at 07:13:27 11/24/23)
(quoted from post at 09:01:00 11/24/23)

What s the problem on the left side?

Problem on the left side?

yes, what are you hiding over there?

Gotcha. Didn t realize I didn t post a picture of that side. Here you go.


Maybe you could pick up a little more red paint so that you could paint that starter as original. Beautiful job though!
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