John Deere A can't get the 3 point hitch to go up


New User

I have a 46/47 A. My 3 point hitch is in the down position. I can take a wrench and work it up and down. It's snug but it isn't tight. Though running the lever to raise it, does nothing. Does this need to be changed? What am I doing wrong?

I still haven't figured this out. So when I have the tractor running the pto is turning I can't get the 3 point hitch to raise. I have taken the top cover off and didn't notice and oil splashing. The arm feelings likes it's engaging to something but what? I have even revved up the tractor the whole way and nothing. Is the pump bad or what should I be checking. New to tractors also. I was told that a side mower was on this and worked. I have checked the oil and readjusted the back and side screws.

P.S. there was a 45 loader on this. Not going to use the loader for awhile but want to use 3 point hitch.


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You need to change the powr-trol metering valve from remote cylinder--loader cylinder operation to rocker shaft operaion..
You need to change the powr-trol metering valve from remote cylinder--loader cylinder operation to rocker shaft operaion..
Are these the valves you're talking about?


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Are these the valves you're talking about?
Yes, the valve on the left needs backed out about two turns if fully screwed in and seated. If it is not screwed in tight you have other problems. Adjusting the speed the lift raises at is done by adjusting that screw in or out. If you want to use the remotes again you will need to seat the adjustment screw again. See bottom of screen shot of manual.
You can access a manual for your tractor from John Deere at this link. Change the search box to Key word Part Number and type in OMR2000. On the right box with arrow to upper right is to view on line. Other option is to download.
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