Knee replacement

(quoted from post at 05:55:12 11/15/23) Stan
When I was 45 both knees were grinding bone on bone. I read an article from the arthritis foundation about Osto Bi-flex.
I have been taking Osto Bi-flex for 30 years now.
My knees are in better shape at age 74 than when I was 45.

Read up on Osto Bi-flex.
Is anyone here a Osto Bi-flex fan?

I have a friend that is 80. His knees are killing him. Dr won't replace them. Dr tell him his problem is arthritis or something else.
He could drop a few pounds.

Osteo Bi Flex is just one of many brands of Glucosamine Chondroitin. I take four capsule/day. I have been taking it probably since age 45. Maybe it works. Anyone who can be bone on bone for 44 years is some sort of superman. I am also in good shape at 74. My wife says better than for many years. I am very active, still fighting fires and climbing high on ladders, but I would not be if not for my replacement parts.
Hello a Doctor friend of mine says you have to be active before and AFTER surgery , He knows of a lot of people that have a knee replaced and sit ( becuase it hurts to move ) when you sit you gain weight so it hurts more , my 2 cents Bryan
Had both hips replaced at 75, lost some mobility and am very careful not to fall. At 80+ I helped build a pole building and was up and down a ladder. Left knee got sore, kept me awake, saw the Orthopod and was told I had arthritis of the knee CAP and my knees looked pretty good. Surgery was not recommended, he drained a 1/4 cup of fluid and injected cortisone, told me to use RICE. (rest, ice, compression, elevation). It has worked till I got stupid and overdid this summer. Drained the knee and cortisone shot and I'm good to go. I'm 84, don't climb ladders or run races or stand very long. But I have been deer hunting all week, still drive my tractors and use a little common sense and RICE! Won the Bench Rest competition at our annual Turkey shoot Sunday!

I've buried 4 close friends and consider myself very lucky. Live every day like it's my last, because one day it will be!
I have a friend who wouldnt have it done in his 70s and now in his 90s he is in the nursing homes because he cant walk more than a step till he needs a wheelchair.get it done while youre young enough to heal
Had left knee replaced about 5 years ago, early May. Was able to run my IHC MD to haybine the hay field, and
run an old NH self-propelled baler by mid, late July The more I worked it the better.
Had right knee replaced in July this year. Still working on getting better. It can take up to a year.
First knee I was 70, second was at 75. Five years made it a bit harder.
After both knees, the first 2 weeks, I was why did I do this!! Very painful!!
Yes, it is painful!!!
But after 2 weeks, I noticed the pain getting better and it was easier to do certain things.
Like getting in and out of the pickup. But the end result was worth it.
The most important thing to remember is: DO THE PHYSICAL THERAPY!!!
It will hurt like He## but do it!!!!
If you don't, you'll be sorry!!! Keep as active as possible.
Big thing is to walk as much as you can, do stairs as much as you can.
Rid a simple exercise bike to help you flex your knees.
If possible, ride in a pickup to your therapy, much they are much easier to get in and out of.
Good luck, keep us posted.
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I had one knee done when I was 77 and the other done when I was 79.

These are my recommendations to you:
1. Visit the physical therapist and get printouts of the home exercises you'll be doing.
2. Do the exercises twice a day starting 3 weeks before surgery.
3. After surgery and before you go home they will take you to one P.T. session to teach you how to walk with a walker and go up and down stairs.
4. Once you get home keep your leg elevated as much as you can to avoid any swelling.
5. Do the home exercises twice a day, make it your job to do so.
6. Go to as many P.T. sessions as your insurance will allow and don't skip any.
7. Do the home exercises twice a day until you have your one month follow with your surgeon.
It depends if your insurance pays for rehab I went to Kesslerr for two weeks I would say after a month I could get on the tractor Both knees done Nov 30 2014
The left knee is worse for the folks who have to push a clutch. It took me about 6 weeks before I could push a heavy clutch without it hurting. Down stairs was also a problem. Now at 6 months I have some very minor issues as I stand up from sitting a long time. If you have flexibility issues before, it will be a long road. My BIL had his done a week before me and started with a beat up knee for 25 years. They did an MUA (manipulation under anesthesia) a month or so after surgery, and it broke his scar tissue loose enough to get his range of motion pretty much back. We were both very active before, and pushed hard to get it back. DO YOUR PT, OVERDO YOUR PT. The best thing I did during recovery is walking on uneven ground. Puts all those little balance muscles back to work right away. Work on getting past the shuffle, and striding along. Get off the opioids asap, and work through the pain. It is a 2 year process, but by 5-6 months you'll be almost fixed. steve
I keep hearing how working on my knees after replacements is no longer an option. Has to do with the lack of covering over the knee joint is there any truth to this or is it all foolishness.
I ask be cause that is what I hear and one guy I hauled his tractor to the bridgew drive was talking to me and when I aske d hime about that he just dropped down on my wood decked trailer with now painful reaction to it. And basically acted like I was misinformed.
I can kneel on mine but my scar is off to the side a bit. I asked my doc last week about it. He said he has little old ladies who can't kneel in church and carpenters who kneel all day. He said he shades his incision of center a bit for that reason.
(quoted from post at 18:14:04 11/15/23) I keep hearing how working on my knees after replacements is no longer an option. Has to do with the lack of covering over the knee joint is there any truth to this or is it all foolishness.
I ask be cause that is what I hear and one guy I hauled his tractor to the bridgew drive was talking to me and when I aske d hime about that he just dropped down on my wood decked trailer with now painful reaction to it. And basically acted like I was misinformed.

I can get down on my knees and walk on them on cement if I want to.
(quoted from post at 18:14:04 11/15/23) I keep hearing how working on my knees after replacements is no longer an option. Has to do with the lack of covering over the knee joint is there any truth to this or is it all foolishness.
I ask be cause that is what I hear and one guy I hauled his tractor to the bridgew drive was talking to me and when I aske d hime about that he just dropped down on my wood decked trailer with now painful reaction to it. And basically acted like I was misinformed.

I didn't notice any difference.
10 weeks ago I had Regenerative Stem Cell Therapy done on both of my knees
to rebuild my Cartilage , went back for my 6 week follow up and they tell me the therapy is working I Have noticed less pain, I start physical therapy
to strengthen the muscle that had weakened
Time will tell
My son just turned 55 in Oct. Had both Knees replaced Yesterday, Is still in Hosp, comes home tommorow
He walked in the evening, walking to Bathroom, walked this morning and climbed a small stair today, forward and backward. Doc said they were really bad, needed it for a while, has always worked hard on cement, most of time. He starts therapy Tommorow. Doc. says days 2 to 4 will be the Worst? Gene
I could just change my name to your message and be perfect 80 high blood preasure and yes need both knees replaced going to be watching this post.
10 weeks ago I had Regenerative Stem Cell Therapy done on both of my knees
to rebuild my Cartilage , went back for my 6 week follow up and they tell me the therapy is working I Have noticed less pain, I start physical therapy
to strengthen the muscle that had weakened
Time will tell

I'm really interested in this process, of course, the ortho dismisses it as bunk immediately. (IF I use this option he misses another yacht payment.) I thought the $8500 price tag was a bit high, but now I understand you CAN pay with HSA funds, contrary to earlier reports.

This post was edited by K Effective on 11/23/2023 at 04:50 am.
Our 72-year-old friend here in AZ had one replaced in November, last week she went on a 6 mile hike in the mountains with us, and wants to do another hike soon, but she is in better than average shape.
I tore up my right knee in 1974. Had it replaced when I was in my 50’s. I was back to normal in about a month. As everyone has said above do the therapy afterwards and it will workout fine. Good luck with it.

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