Knee replacement

One thing I haven't heard mentioned is that after healing from the surgery you need to watch carefully for infections. The wife of a man I knew told me her husband had gotten an infection in his knee. My Mom had a partial hip replacement at around 90 after a fall and got along fine with it.
One thing I haven't heard mentioned is that after healing from the surgery you need to watch carefully for infections. The wife of a man I knew told me her husband had gotten an infection in his knee. My Mom had a partial hip replacement at around 90 after a fall and got along fine with it.
That's a good point, about 10 years ago we lost 2 friends in less than a year to knee surgery infection!
Had my right knee replaced Oct. 3 2022 at University of Iowa Hospitals, bone on bone. They gave me exercises to do starting about 3 weeks before surgery, DO THEM!! They gave me a knee brace that connects to my phone to track and tell me what exercises to do daily. Wife talked me into going to physical therapist once a week to make sure I was doing everything right. He said I was farther along than most patients for time period since surgery. After 4 weeks he told me not to come back, just keep doing what I had been doing. I was driving after 2 weeks. I did lots of stairs and walking and exercises. Dr said I could get on my knees but a pad under them would be more comfortable. You HAVE to do all of the PT!! I knew 2 different guys that had it but quit the PT because that nasty woman hurt them during PT so they quit going. In a couple of months, they couldn't move their knee at all and both died within a year. Get it done and DO THE EXERCISES!!! Left knee will need it sometime but cortisone shots still work so I'm waiting until fall work is over to get it done.
At 81 I am doing fairly well. I went in for a physical, the doctors keep trying to find something wrong, only high blood pressure, so far not real high, but I'm controlling it with pills. What I need is a couple knees to be replaced. For those that have gone through this, how long was it before you were able to climb up on your tractor and work with it. I can still work in my wood,and carry wood. My problem is bending my leg, like getting in my truck or squatting down, or sometimes walking, or standing too long. Stan
I'm 81. Had both knees replaced 2 yrs ago 6 months apart. Probably a month after each before I could get on my Ferguson or Ford utility. Getting along great. Had mine done with robot. Supposed to have less cutting and shorter recovery. My biggest problem was therapy was intended to help me walk which is OK, but I still struggle putting on socks or tying shoes.

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