Need a source for I/E valves

Where do you guys get intake/exhaust valves? Surely there aren’t warehouses sitting around with back stock of replacement parts for 100 year old engines….

I’m having trouble finding a set for an Earthquake rototiller, “Viper” brand engine. OEM doesn’t appear to offer them. Does anyone have a source where I can give someone the specs for what I have and they can supply replacements?
Where do you guys get intake/exhaust valves? Surely there aren’t warehouses sitting around with back stock of replacement parts for 100 year old engines….

I’m having trouble finding a set for an Earthquake rototiller, “Viper” brand engine. OEM doesn’t appear to offer them. Does anyone have a source where I can give someone the specs for what I have and they can supply replacements?
"Back in the day" engine parts suppliers/machine shops had paper catalogs of "engine valves by dimension" or "engine valves progressive size listing".

Now you can GOOGLE those terms and see what's out there.

I wouldn't hold my breath that you will find valves for your engine, but it DOES answer your question "Where do you guys get intake/exhaust valves? Surely there aren’t warehouses sitting around with back stock of replacement parts for 100 year old engines?"

I've been watching your other thread, did you ever post the size/HP/CC's of the little "Honda clone" you are working with?
I’ll do a little more searching after I get home tonight. That suggestion sounds like a good chance to track down what I need.

Thanks for the reply about the old catalogs.

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