Need Help with Vintage Kubota 5 hp Engine


Well-known Member
Can anyone provide a wiring diagram, or ANYTHING for this Kubota GH150-VE 5 hp vertical shaft engine? I'm trying to chase wire gremlins, see if it will run, test starter, etc. and have had no luck finding any or much info on it. Would like to know how to date it as well to see if original engine or not. It is in an english built go-cart that was bought from Harrod's Dept Store in London. From what I find, it cost over $16,000 in the 1980s.


Can anyone provide a wiring diagram, or ANYTHING for this Kubota GH150-VE 5 hp vertical shaft engine? I'm trying to chase wire gremlins, see if it will run, test starter, etc. and have had no luck finding any or much info on it. Would like to know how to date it as well to see if original engine or not. It is in an english built go-cart that was bought from Harrod's Dept Store in London. From what I find, it cost over $16,000 in the 1980s.


You may have to check a site overseas. Kub didn't sell their small engines here in the States. Not sure those are actually Kubota either, though they have been making engines since the hit 'n' miss days.

Might even want to try contacting Kub in Japan.


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