Needing new plowshares

Mike Duffield, Williamsport, MD 21795, 717/552-1951 and Andrew Ginter, New Carlisle, IN 46552, 574/292-0248 come to mind. The number from the back of the old share will certainly help.
If you just need it to be functional and don't care if it is original than just take any throw away share, lay it on top old share, blow some holes through with torch and bolt it on.
I have welded a piece of springtooth on to extend the points. Plowed a lot of ground that way along with graphite paint on the rusty moldboards.
If you just need it to be functional and don't care if it is original than just take any throw away share, lay it on top old share, blow some holes through with torch and bolt it on.
If he has quick-change shares, that won’t work. Will have to rebuild what is there and have someone who knows anything about blacksmithing draw it out.
Google Ploworx they suppossedly have plow shares. I need some for my John Deere plow and have emailed with no response but I'm hoping they close up shop for the winter and go south so they may respond to my inquiry soon. Tom in Mn.
Google Ploworx they suppossedly have plow shares. I need some for my John Deere plow and have emailed with no response but I'm hoping they close up shop for the winter and go south so they may respond to my inquiry soon. Tom in Mn.
You need to CALL. He is an old school one-man operation from what I gather. The website is only because someone told him he "had to have one."
If he has quick-change shares, that won’t work. Will have to rebuild what is there and have someone who knows anything about blacksmithing draw it out.
What I meant was blow holes through both shares and bolt new to old. I've done it many times. Yes the bolt heads will eventually wear off but it will take hundreds of acres for that to happen. Then you just put in some new bolts.
Google Ploworx they suppossedly have plow shares. I need some for my John Deere plow and have emailed with no response but I'm hoping they close up shop for the winter and go south so they may respond to my inquiry soon. Tom in Mn.
call only
What I meant was blow holes through both shares and bolt new to old. I've done it many times. Yes the bolt heads will eventually wear off but it will take hundreds of acres for that to happen. Then you just put in some new bolts.
Hundreds of acres? The shares on a 4-bottom plow are worn to the frog in about 30 acres around here.

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