New Classified Ad's Contact?


oconto wi.
I placed a Ad. in the new Classified section. It is unclear how someone is to contact the seller. Are we to place a E-Mail or Phone number in the Ad.
I placed a Ad. in the new Classified section. It is unclear how someone is to contact the seller. Are we to place a E-Mail or Phone number in the Ad.
None of the other ads are showing a phone number.
It appears the only way to communicate with a seller is via the "Contact Seller" button.
Then you can exchange phone numbers and email addresses in private.
A buyer would contact you by replying to your post I expect.

Then you could exchange emails or phone numbers by using the "Conversation" feature which is a private way of communicating making your contact information invisible to others.

At least that is how I would go about it.

Or..... You could put your number/email right in plain view in your ad and have them visible to the whole world and all of it's scammers/BS artists.
I placed a Ad. in the new Classified section. It is unclear how someone is to contact the seller. Are we to place a E-Mail or Phone number in the Ad.
Definitely don't put phone number or email in the clear. That is why they aren't shown, search engines pick up name and phone number immediately and your email or phone will tend to get inundated with spam.

I can't answer how the contact works but Kim will be posting a message concerning the classifieds today. It appears that for now, any user who attempts to buy, ask questions etc, will send you notifications. Email notifications will work if you have that option turned on in preferences so you will receive their contact info via that. This is surmise, as I say, Kim will be posting the factual details as to how it works.
Double07 is correct, Chris too. In order to keep personal information private, phone numbers and email addresses are not collected or publically displayed in the ad. There is a "Contact Seller" option for each ad, this is sent directly to the seller via the notifications feature in your forum account. The seller can then choose to provide you with their email address or phone, and can answer any questions you have about the item for sale.

You do have to be registered and logged in to contact a seller.

@CraigWis - as you discovered, if you own the ad you will not be provided with a "contact seller" option.

I know learning new software can be a pain 😧 but it is very feature-rich, especially with the capability to provide multiple pictures and videos of an item. It also is very robust at keeping scams to a minimum since the ads are only available to registered users and they first have to jump through that hoop.
The "Contact Seller" button starts a "Conversation" (private message).
Be sure to go into "Preferences" via your username and check the third email option.
A "Conversation" red bell will appear next to your username when you get a message.


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