dan 57

New User
Hi all, i am a newbie here and am a first time Case owner. i adopted a 59 yr. old bouncing baby boy. more like a jerking old man !!! He needs some "depends", has some arthritis and weak joints. but it is very good running and i can get all of the symptoms doctored and get him healthy. ha ha.....but seriously i am excited to finally have some mechanical help around the place. i can slowly catch up to the projects i have on my list. first is my leach field!! perfect time of year for that to go (no pun intended). i figured if i had to spend the money and have someone else fix it, i could buy a backhoe to do it myself. so i convinced my wife that i can do alot more to "spruce up" the yard(landscaping) dig a pond and make a little bit doing some work for a few people we know. already have 3 people wanting me to do some work for them!! so i started looking around and come to find out, my wifes cousin had this case he would sell me. he bought it when he was building his house and once that was done, he had no more use for it and was just sitting behind his shed. i saw it and bought it. since i brought it home, 3 days ago, ive been going over it and ive been putting bandaids on just so i can get the septic done and then be prioritizing the surgeries. first, fix the leaks, get some tires,then the joints, and finally paint. i am in it for the long haul, something i can pass on to my kids, a little bit of American Made with Pride Ingenuity, something that is quickly going away(damnit). i have been getting alot of helpful information on this website so i wanted to become a member of the good ole boys (and girls) on here. my name is dan and i am from michigan (in the thumb)(sort-of). i have been working on using trucks,cars,houses,machinery.....anything and everything my whole life (45 yrs.). i have recently become side-lined from my normal working abilities by way of neck and shoulder injuries/surgeries. i am down but not out, thank GOD. and thanks to great medical and pharmaceutical we have in this country that way i can function again in a limited capacity but functioning non-the-less. well, enough about me. i will be asking alot of questions and am looking forward to meeting all of you and becoming friends with whoever wants to put up with my idiosyncrasies....here are some pics. of my tractor. "talk" with y'all later.....thanks, dan
Welcome Dan, Case backhoes are very agile and strong for their size great choice!! several of us here have been involved with them for many years and I think between us we have run into most issues with them at some time so we can continue to help you in your "resto/repair"

We sell tractor parts! We have the parts you need to repair your tractor - the right parts. Our low prices and years of research make us your best choice when you need parts. Shop Online Today.
