no throttle lever response at governor


just got engine running. Using the throttle lever, I get no movement at the governor, so no movement at the carb. Not sure if spring is wrong size or what. Removed governor and its in working order. Allis B. first model S/N 1956. Also, on carb shaft there is a hole for the spring but spring is too long (new purchase) to connect anywhere or maybe hole in rod is not where it belongs (wrong rod?).
so many things changed Im not sure what original parts should be.
Not sure how to send pics of parts that would help.
Gov spring should be part # 207716. It is currently # 223569. Part lever control rod 207597 looks different as spring end hook points up not down. Does not have oil fitting. Carb link rod has ring on gov rod end. Tractor has a generator in place.
i dont understand how you can move the hand throttle lever and the ROD that goes to the governor does not move ?? When you PUSH the throttle forward, the arm on the governor moves FORWARD ( toward the radiator) and pulls the spring (stretches)... which moves the arm across the backside of the radiator over the the left side of tractor.. Make sure the arms are all free to move, not stuck on the thermostat housing... not stuck on the vertical post on the governor, etc.........look at the throttle lever.. It has a square set screw that locks the rod going to the governor.. It has to move when you move the lever..
Ill try to send a video.

i dont understand how you can move the hand throttle lever and the ROD that goes to the governor does not move ?? When you PUSH the throttle forward, the arm on the governor moves FORWARD ( toward the radiator) and pulls the spring (stretches)... which moves the arm across the backside of the radiator over the the left side of tractor.. Make sure the arms are all free to move, not stuck on the thermostat housing... not stuck on the vertical post on the governor, etc.........look at the throttle lever.. It has a square set screw that locks the rod going to the governor.. It has to move when you move the lever..
Misread my post. The governor does not move. The throttle rod goes back and forth but no action at the governor. The rods are all free; at the carb as well.
i guess i still dont get it... The ROD is attached to the Governor arm... If the ROD is moving, how can the Gov arm not move ? .......... can you MANUALLY move the Gov arm while the tractor is running and change RPM ?
PHOTO... are you saying the small pivot arm is moving, but the SPRING is not pulling the Gov CROSS OVER ARM behind the radiator ??


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