OFF / TOPIC....O/T TV adds


Well-known Member
A friend just got slammed by purchasing a deal off the TV. Not a overly stupid person, just found a good deal.

This makes me wonder if anyone has ever purchased something and got even close to what they expected of what was implied on the add?

We all know about the money back pay for shipping and handeling, must be in original container,shipped only with their certian favored carrier, and on and on and on.

I started balding (yet kept my good looks) at about the 40 mark. We answered a money back on the full refund guarenteed original purchase. This was by the way approved by the TV doctor, and they even showed how many folks had grown long hair in a half all know ... How could a person loose? They sent two bottles for $100.00 that would last a month or two.

But results would not be noticed for ten to twelve months, thus you must purchase more and more. Then after I would have given them a bucket full of money...then they would refung the original purchase price of $100.00 less shipping, restocking...and on and on and on. It (no kidding) smeled like fresh tar.

Why can't our government put a stop to this stupid magic snake oil crap and fine them to the point the word (honest) could surface again?<Or maybe just hand cuff them to a tree in my home town, and turn us Red Necks loose on them.p

A elderly lady got a divice to kill flies once years ago. Manual said take fly and place between the two blocks of wood and apply hard pressure. >We do need something to protect us stupid people from harms way.<

The latest in my town is these great 1000,watt miricle heaters that can heat a ball park for a few cents a day. They are build by a Amish man who must live in from China. I haven't been able to convince them not to buy the second one for their grandma either.

Sorry, I have to get going because my computer just had a pop up and said I---me that is...was the (1 million) person to get on a web site. It is still flashing in red, they even congradulated me with a banner and everything. Besides it is flashing in bright red, so it just has to be my lucky day and all.

I probably will be way to rich to even know you poor folks after today. Just this morning I found out I can loose a hundred pounds in two weeks with their proven system. So thin and rich all in the same to love America

And the other issue with the money back guarantee is: They just ignore you. I got 3 bottles of Hoodia, supposed to curb your appetite, etc. Take one bottle- if it doesn't work, send the other two back for a full refund. I did, it didn't, so I sent the other two back with the proper documentation. No response. Wrote again- still nothing. So now what do you do? No phone no., don't even know where they really are. And really nothing I could do anyhow- how am I going to sue somebody in New Jersey? So lesson is, forget about the money back guarantees- unless you buy it in a store, and can remember how to get back to that store if you need to.
I haven't been foolish enough to order things like that since the whole unfortunate "sea monkey" and "moon garden" incidents about 45 years ago.
No offense meant to you personally, but whatever happened to common sense? As far as the government putting a stop to such advertising, I think we've already got WAY TOO MUCH government in our lives. There's a big push locally to put the pay-day loan sharks out of business. Folks who utilize them know going in that they're going to be charged exorbitant rates, so why is it anyone else's business? Caveat emptor!!
I got some Walk Fit shoe inserts. Ordered another pair too. I can't wear shoes without them as they really help my feet but I still have problems.
First off, you have no idea where your credit card number is going to wind up. That alone should be a deterrent.
I put my idea before this forum and got no feed back whatsoever, I could have saved a lot of people a bunch of money. So here it is again, "SEND ME $6.95 SHIPPING AND HANDLING", and I send you NOTHING, no hassles no more expense, no junk that don't work, and unlike the others, I only hit you for shipping and handling one time. What more could you ask for???
Bob S.
The Amish heaters crack me up. They've been runnning full-page ads in our daily newspaper every few weeks. These are not cheap, so I figure there must be some suckers out there who are paying big bucks for a simple electric heater. It's amazing what people will buy if they think the "Amish" built it. All that guarantees is that they were built without power tools. LOL. Actually, the MANTLES are the only part supposedly "built" by the Amish.

I have never seen an item on TV that I would buy.
If people would stop and think before grabbing up the phone and calling with the credit card in hand then a lot of this stuff would stop.

Here"s the best scam that hit the area back in 2003. A guy was advertising that for just $10 bucks he would send you an official, government back, copper engraving of Abraham Lincoln. After you would send $10 bucks and a week later you would recieve your official engraving. The official engraving was a penny.

People are gulliable and society is only getting dumber.

And why would you want the government to get involved hell they are the biggest scam going in this country, we send them money every year, pretty much every day and what do we get in retunr?????? We get nothing but promises.
The morons who fall for this sh1t haven't got any. Take a close look at your typical citidot, yuppie, or wanna-bee, and 99.9 percent of them are totally clueless. These are the same dolts who believe the media, or voted for 'change', they are too stupid to think for themselves, and expect something for nothing.
I got what was advertised when I bought the MetWrinch tools. They've performed as advertised for over fifteen years now of everyday use and still look like new. Haven't seen their ad for awhile, but they are still in business.
Actually the Amish have/use more power tools than you or I do, and they know quality tools and buy nothing but the best. Former driver for the Amish-----------Bob S.
I keep getting messages telling me that they have detected dirty pictures on my c: drive and I should download their program. Very interesting considering Macs don't have a c: drive.
If anyone has grounds to dispute the theory of Natural selection. Passive human observation proves there are no grounds for dispute.
Aaaaand you might as well order a nickels worth of knot holes and have them delivered from the lumber yard...... You will get about the same thing...

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