Old drag disk wooden bearings?

Here are a few pics of the wood bearings I have. They measure 2.75 long with a 1.75 inside diameter. The hole in the side is approx. 1 in diameter.



That hole on one side is for a pin to keep the round bearing from turning and the other side is for a grease fitting. I cannot tell make tho.
(quoted from post at 23:20:23 05/12/23) If it has zerks grease it . Heres a source for wood bearings or boxings
Wood boxings

Doesn't look like they're in the business of dealing with a guy who needs boxings for their antique disc. When you call it's going to be, "Ok, how many hundred do you want?" and they're going to want dimensions. They'll make you whatever you want as long as you buy a few hundred.

The answer to "Where do I find replacements?" is your firewood pile. That's how the farmers fixed them back in the day.
My dad made new wood bushings for my disc. Eventually it is going to be metal against metal and the castings will wear out.

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