OT!! I know there are some young folks here.


Well-known Member
I can know in my heart that you can, and can't, be a part of the good Ole Days.

I am 51 years old, and raised in a house full of folks that were 40 years older than I, or more.

<h2>Artist: <font color="#333333">Anderson Bill</font>

Song: <font color="#333333">I Wonder If God Likes Country Music</font>

Album: <font color="#333333">Other songs</font></h2>

One night we were out on tour,

Getting ready to do a show.

It wasn&#39;t anything special,

Just another one night stand.

When I looked over my guitar,

And there stood an old man.

His cowboy clothes were frayed and worn,

An&#39; his boots were far from new.

He said: "I&#39;d like to sit in with your band.

"You see I&#39;m a country singer too."

Well, we just all had a big laugh.

And when I looked back at the old man,

There was a tear in his eye.

I told the band to cool it &#39;cause I didn&#39;t want to see him cry.

He reached down an&#39; he took my guitar,

With a determined look on his face.

But then as he started to play an&#39; sing,

A look of sadness took it&#39;s place.

He said: "I&#39;ve sang my songs from Maine to California.

"Seen the world through the window of a car.

"I never saved a dime back when I made one.

"&#39;Cause I always thought some day I&#39;d be a star."

"But now my voice is cracked and no one wants me.

"My wife gave up on me years ago.

"It&#39;s been so long my kids don&#39;t even know me.

"And pickin&#39; and singin&#39; is the only life I&#39;ve known."

And then he sang: "I wonder if God likes country music.

"Will there be a place up there to sing my songs?

"Will he make my fingers nimble like they used to be,

"So I can play the chords and sing along?"

("I wonder if God likes country music.")

I just stood there.

("Will there be a place up there,)

None of us really knew what to say.

(To sing my songs?")

He took my old guitar,

("Will he make my fingers nimble,)

And he put it down ever so gently.

("Like they used to be?")

And then as he turned to leave,

("So I can play the chords,)

The band stood up and applauded

("And sing along?")

And I can still hear his words today.

"I wonder if God likes country music.

"Will there be a place up there to sing my songs?

"Will he make my fingers nimble like they used to be,

"So I can play the chords and sing along?"

Saturday nites we used to watch a bunch of 30 min. shows....Porter Waggoner show(featuring Dolly Parton), Buck Owens show, Bill Anderson show("whisperin' Bill"), Grand Ole Opry....

Jeff, you may not believe this, but you can still watch all that stuff on youtube.com

I think Ole strang bean started all this pants down to yer knees.


<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/XJ37Qmvkhgo"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/XJ37Qmvkhgo" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
I gave the ole lady a marker, and told her whut to go rite on it.

It ain't been nearly long enough to go checkit..
I'm still trying to figure out how Connie Smith looks as good today, as she did 30 years ago.

You can keep Bill Anderson, but I'd take all the Bill Monroe ya can throw at me.

(Writer: Bill Anderson)

When I first heard this song, I was a little boy growing up
down in the state of South Carolina. The song had been
written and recorded by a man named T. Texas Tyler.
The song in it's original form related to something that
happened during the second World War. Last year, early in
1991, when things were going kinda crazy over on the other
side of the world, I remembered this old song. And I rewrote
the first part of it to fit the situation. The second part of it I
left like it's been all of these years, because you can't
improve upon perfection. I'd like to dedicate this tonight to all
the Veterans, to their families, their loved ones and
everybody that loves this country.

It was a sweltering hot Sunday morning in the Saudia Arabian
desert and a young soldier sat alone in his tent, deep in
thought. A picture of his wife and children back home in the
United States, rested on a table nearby. His mind began to
wander across the miles, back to other Sunday mornings,
that seemed so long ago, now, and so far away. He thought
of home and he knew that when this day dawned in America,
his family would go to church, to pray for his well-being and
his safe return. The young soldier reached into his bag and he
took out a deck of playing cards. He began to spread them
out across his bunk. About that time, one of his buddies came
by and said, "You gonna get up a game?" "No," the soldier
replied, "I'm gonna spend a little quiet time with the
Lord." "Looks like to me you're playing cards." his friend
said. "No, you see, I don't have my Bible and since we can't
display our religion in public, here, I brought along this deck
of cards." And with that, the young boy started his story.

"You see, when I look at the Ace, It reminded me that there
is but one God; and the Deuce reminds me that the Bible is
divided into two parts. The Old and the New Testaments.
When I look at the Trey, I think of the Father, the Son, and
the Holy Ghost. When I see the Four, I'm reminded of the
four Evangelists, who preached the Gospel. There was
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. And when I see the Five, I
think of the five wise virgins who trimmed their lamps. There
were ten of them, five were wise and were saved. Five were
foolish and were shut out. And when I look at the Six, I'm
reminded that in six days, God made this great heaven and
earth. The Seven reminds me that on the seventh day, God
rested from His great work. When I see the Eight, I think of
the eight righteous persons God saved when He destroyed
this old world. There was Noah, his wife, their three sons and
their wives. And when I look at the Nine, I think of the lepers
our Saviour cleansed. And nine out of the ten, didn't even
thank Him. And when I see the Ten, I think of the Ten
Commandments God handed down to Moses on the table of
stone. When I look at the King, it reminds me that there is but
one King of Heaven, God Almighty. The Queen reminds me of
the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven. And the Jack, or
Knave is the Devil.

When I count the number of spots on a deck of cards,

I find 365 - the number of days in a year;
There's 52 cards - the number of weeks in a year;
There's 4 suits - the number of weeks in a month;
There's 12 picture cards - the number of months in a year;
There's 13 tricks - the number of weeks in a quarter.

So you see, my friend, this deck of cards serves me as a
Bible, as an Almanac and as a Prayer Book."

"And friends, this story is true,
I know, because I know that soldier."...
My Daddy, God rest his soul hated Whispering Bill.

Said he couldn't even stand the way he did his mouth.

I have been missin him for at least 20 years.

(My Daddy)
Dean Martin said, you wasn't drunk, as long as you could still hold onto the floor.

Hobo, Yall got some rain didn't you?!?!?!?!
I've missed my Dad since 93. He used to listen to Marty Robbins and Red Sovine, man I miss the old day's for sure. I'm 54 with 6 grandchildren and another one on the way.
Dunk you are just a kid! My mother and I listened to Grand Ole' Oprey on the radio in '45,'46',47' and we didn't get TV until 50's. I loved "Gangbusters", "The Shadow" and Gene Autry too. Had to milk, separate cream, take care of 250 layin' hens, and wash before I could listen to our shows. My imagination was much better with the radio than with TV. One night, listening to a scary show, my .22 rifle slipped down the tile floor in the kitchen...we were so afraid, we didn't go in the kitchen till daylight!
Sorry for the ramblin'.
One more: took my 92 year young mother to the Grand Ole'Oprey last year (different now, of course) along with my two sisters. We made a recording...fun, but no one but a deaf person should listen to it.
Like your posts, Dunk. Keep up the good work.
" My mother and I listened to Grand Ole' Oprey on the radio in '45,'46',47' and we didn't get TV until 50's. I loved "Gangbusters", "The Shadow" and Gene Autry too."

Right ON!! OTR (old time radidio) is GREAT!! And it is still available, thanks to the Net! (actually was always around but the net has allowed wider listenership!) My Faveourite is GUNSMOKE, but I also dig GANGBUSTERS & other shows of that genre! If anyone is interested, a simple search for OTR will find many sites. I personally have so many hours of programming that I don't have enuff time left to hear it all, even if I listened 24/7! Some of the Older News Programs especially from the WW2 era....great stuff! Back in those days, even the politicians were civilized, and there were certain things That Simply Weren't Done! And the added benefit to the OTR hobby is it is a antidote to the trash that is on TV nowadays! Also cheap! And portable, with all the newfangled devices that we have nowadays, it is easy to listen while driving a tractor, etcetc. Yep. OTR is a WINDOW into the past, and the present comes out second best, I fear! MY opinion only! CC, who LOVES OTR!
Poke Here
Now, that's a good one. I'm older than you but I had missed that one some where along the way. Thanks
Thanks for the memories, Dunk.

I've heard the song but had nearly forgotten it.

In the mid 50s, when I was very small I made a crystal radio set from a kit my parents bought for me. I learned that I could pick up either WCKY or WLW, both out of Cincinnati, depending upon the length of the outside antenna.

WCKY would broadcast the Grand Ole Opry, and I would often fall asleep with my headphones on listening to it. Later my father would come in and take them off.

They do not make country music like they used to.

"they do not make country music like they used to"

Man, that's for sure! The new stuff should be called "twangy pop" or something like that. Thankfully, we have a local am station that plays all 50s, 60s, & 70s country.

Good stuff.


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