OT..."N" pix Calendars Re-visited/Final thoughts

GB in MT.

Well-known Member
First off, I would like to thank everyone, for your input, (pros. AND cons), on this subject. What a HOOT!!!!! :lol:
Secondly, Sorry I have not posted this earlier, but have been laid up with some kind of virus, that has gotton into my body, and makes me feel like DODO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "NUFF said, there"!!!! :shock:
The following is a partial quote, of my reply to DALLAS GA, Which by the way....I was not Yelling at him, I was venting my thoughts at the Idea, that someone, would be so greedy, as to stopping this venture!!!!
Sorry if it came out wrong, DALLAS!!!!!!!!!!

MY statement/Thoughts on this calendar, was:
"My Idea, as talked over with the wife, was NOT to start an enterprise out of the calenders. The idea was for ME to make these things up and make them avail. to the Members of this forum. A NON_PROFIT item with NO set price stated!!!!! Donations to help pay for the cost, and NO Lawyers involved. "

I did in fact take Dallas's thoughts to mind, and did in fact seek legal advice. The outcome may surprise ya.......IF, my idea was to be set as affore mentioned by me, AND is not a Commercial/Buis. venture, and the $$$$ recieved would NOT exceed my out flow of $$$$ per calendar......There is NO laws broken, in any way!!!!!
Figure that out.
I think that the mentioned, Problem was created by the calendars being offered and sold as a buis., and this was Not a buis. venture, as I have stated.

ALL this stated........I will NOT be making calendars for any distribution!!!!

I have started on my final proto-type calendar,for my own use, and maybe will post a picture and explaination as to how it was made. Then anyone can use my thoughts to complete an "N" pix calendar for themselves.
But.......The cost, and the effort is fairly great, as I found out!!!!!! :shock:

The cheapest I found, for having just 25 calendars made up, Was a little over $400.00.!!!!!!!!!!!!! That turns out to be right about $16 to $17, per calendar. NOT cheap.!!! :shock: And there was a lot more involved than I thought, just to have these things made up the way I have proto-typed my Calender.

Anyway.......Thank's to ALL, again for the input.

Have an "N" day!!!!!!!!

Gary :roll: [/i:5d7a159e73][/b:5d7a159e73]
Hey Gary,

Bummer about the cost. Thanks for looking into this idea
for us. I look forward to seeing your proto-type and
production tips.

Apple has a print service that will make a single calendar for
My brother had a picture book made from them, and while not
cheap, it was nice quality. Wal-Mart's digital photo center will
make up a single calendar for $16.99 and up, again not cheap, but
you won't have to shell out $400 bucks.
I think you've hit on the perfect Christmas gift!

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