Problem With the 800 Case-o-Matic


Well-known Member
I Have a 1959 800 Case-o-Matic. Won't Go into Direct on the Case-o-matic; Pressure is Fine. Low range Works Fine Been told that the Direct Disk is out. Where Can I fine one?
I have an 801 with the exact same problem. Near the back of the most recent old abes news magazine is an ad for an old midwest Case dealership that has lots of new old stock parts and specializes in case-o-matic repairs. I have not tried to contact them yet as I am still doing diagnostic work such as checking pressures changing filter, oil etc. I will find name tomorrow and post here. John
When my dad did his we found some parts were still available from Twin Disc. They are the company that built most of the Case-O-Matic parts. There should be a Twin Disc tag on it inside.
Ive got a 1960 Caseomatic diesel.I have had the engine out and all there is in there is a torque converter.Whats going on here anywho? Hoss
I believe most clutch shops should be able to redo the DDrive linings if thats the problem. There are also seals and gaskets in there that could be leaking too much fluid past and not allowing the DD to engage or engage fully. From what I understand they're not too hard to work on. Just need new seals/o-rings and have someone (or Twin-disk as Jim M. suggested) get new or reline the clutch. While you've got it appart you should check the regular, multiple disk clutch for servicing as well. Great rigs when everything is working right.

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