Starting problems Power Major


New User
Hi, new user to the forum. My normally start first throw Power Major has decided to not start.

It has the SPE4A injector pump. I've drained the fuel, changed filters including the tank one and bled it all through so there's no air coming from the injector bleed port.

I disconnected the injector pipe on two and turned it over to get any air from these and no fuel appears. Took the pipes of at the injector pump end and no fuel emerges on cranking.

Button and rod free on cranking so wondering where to go from here.

Any suggestions will be gratefully received!

Thanks in advance

Have you taken the side plate off the pump and made sure the pump rack is moving? These new reduced sulphur diesels can cause sticking with older pumps. I use a pint of Automatic Transmission Fluid or two stroke oil in with the diesel just to keep the pump lubricated.

Use some ATF or similar on the rack and just lever it gently back and forward until it moves freely, then you should be good to go. Keep everything super clean when you have the side plate off.
So the manual lever on the fuel pump pushes the fuel through. I've give everything a abundant dose of wd40 under the cover plate a nd left that to soak. If any of the rack are seized, is there a way to free them other than taking the pump off and dismantling it.. something I'm desperate to avoid if possible :)
I spent many years working on Fordson and Ford tractors and one of the areas I had to be passed as proficient on, to get my Master Service Technician qualifications from Ford Motor Company, was on diesel injection equipment. To those ends I spent some time working on pumps and injectors in our Ford approved diesel shop, reconditioning pumps and injectors for tractors and trucks. Although trained in repair of those items, the one area I will not touch on mine or anybody else's tractors are the pump and injectors. The reason is that they require special equipment to repair and re-calibrate. If not done properly it can cost many pounds to correct problems when things go wrong, from needing new pumps to replacing engines that have got major problems due to incorrect settings of pumps. You need a special clean room to work on the pumps and a pump tester to get the correct calibration, not a job for the normal mechanic or working conditions.

WD40 is not the best substance to use in a pump, that is why I recommended ATF which will free off stuck parts and lubricate whereas WD 40 will leave them dry. In the diesel shop every part was placed in Ensis Fluid until required for reassembly to keep it free from any contamination or corrosion which can occur very quickly indeed.

If you cannot move the rack with a screwdriver, then you do indeed need to get your pump to a repair shop, do not attempt to slacken off anything or apply too much force to any component in the pump, it can be a very expensive lesson to learn.

You must also have a good flow of fuel from the tank, as well as the fuel filter there is a gauze filter in the tank tap and another in the fuel lift pump. Make sure these are clean and diesel is flowing before doing anything else with the injection pump.
I second Majorman's opinion. WD 40 is not a lubricant, and actually not a penetrant, it is a moisture displacer. ATF is a good light lubricant, and cleaner for gummed up pumps. You might want to go up to the Tractor Talk section, and ask for DieselTech. Sims pumps and those injectors aren't for amateurs.

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