using gasoline instead of diesel to flush transmission?


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I read a few posts but didn't see anything about why not to use gas- I wouldn't drive it with gas in the trans, just looking to fill, jostle around, empty and then I waas thinking about filling with a 30wt with a quart of trans fluid. I'd drive that around a few minutes and then drain and put in the 80/90 weight... I guess my main question is why is the choice for those who flush these things diesel instead of gasoline? tia
btw, this tractor has been sitting for a few years and what came out of the trans looked like mud.
I read a few posts but didn't see anything about why not to use gas- I wouldn't drive it with gas in the trans, just looking to fill, jostle around, empty and then I waas thinking about filling with a 30wt with a quart of trans fluid. I'd drive that around a few minutes and then drain and put in the 80/90 weight... I guess my main question is why is the choice for those who flush these things diesel instead of gasoline? tia
btw, this tractor has been sitting for a few years and what came out of the trans looked like mud.
Gasoline has volatile compounds in it (light petroleum molecules) that affect rubber and other synthetic materials that do degrade seals. Diesel has some but is OK. Driving under no load for a few minutes with diesel is fine. Jim
I read a few posts but didn't see anything about why not to use gas- I wouldn't drive it with gas in the trans, just looking to fill, jostle around, empty and then I waas thinking about filling with a 30wt with a quart of trans fluid. I'd drive that around a few minutes and then drain and put in the 80/90 weight... I guess my main question is why is the choice for those who flush these things diesel instead of gasoline? tia
btw, this tractor has been sitting for a few years and what came out of the trans looked like m
Gas will clean everything up really well however, it has several downsides. 1 it's very flammable and much easier to accidentally ruin your good time. 2 it will strip all the lube out without leaving any in its place like diesel. 3. I find it's way more tolerable fume/smell wise working with diesel as I've never felt lightheaded cleaning parts in diesel, can't say the same with gas.
first wonder what tractor? my experience with diesel is it is useless for flushing. all the solids drop to the bottom and sit there. best is to use some hyd. oil, used is good, dont need to be right full. drive down the road for a 1/4 mile in high gear wide open come back and dump the oil soon as u stop. you need something with a viscosity like an oil to carry the solids out. also driving on ramps is a lot of help to get the junk out, so have them set up first. diesel is a very poor washing fluid is what i have found. gas works really good to clean parts individually. plus diesel is very harmful to your skin. varsol is the safest and works good for cleaning , also hard on your hands also.
I ended up using a quart of power steering fluid and five quarts of 10/30 that I had sitting around. Drive around for a few minutes in all gears and drained immediately. Nasty stuff came out. I'll have to look inside tomorrow and see if it needs another flush I guess.... This is for my farmall BN
No amount of flushing will clean the sludge out of the oil galleys to the bearings along side of the case for each side. when dad had the H apart those troughs were full of crude , so much so the oil was just running anyplace it wanted to. It had to be scraped out of the troughs and then washed out from there. I guess if you want it real clean you would need to pull the lid and wash it out. Yup you can take your oil and filter it then run it again and again till it seems to be cleaned out and will probably get some better. But at what risk to the bearings and gears. No load on 30wt should not hurt it unless you start pulling things while using it to clean out with.
Agree with Caterpillar Guy and GeneMO. I have always avoided flushing a tranny because I didn't want to loosen crud. I was happier knowing it was stuck to the bottom. Only cleaned thoroughly with the tranny cracked open.
Gas is a no-no for all the above reasons.

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