Where are you buying your Hy-Tran haudraulic oil?

Seems the general consensus is to stick with IH Hy-Tran. (706)

Where is the best place to get it at this time (cost wise) ?


This post was edited by FinallyFarming on 11/28/2023 at 06:42 am.
I wouldn't exactly call it a consensus, but whatever...

"Hy-Tran" is only sold at CaseIH dealers. So if you want a bucket that says "Hy-Tran" on it, the answer would be your local CaseIH dealer. There are two versions, a semi-synthetic, and a much more expensive full-synthetic. Save yourself a few $$$ and go with the semi-synthetic.

If you want the actual formulation that was originally created for IH tractors, you want the Viscosity Oil Ultraction product. There are many small independent dealers around the country. Some CaseIH dealers carry Viscosity products, but not all.

The Viscosity brand is the "real Hy-Tran" that was formulated and packaged for IH, then CaseIH, then CaseNewHolland for decades. CNH recently switched to Shell to provide their lubricants, and Viscosity retained the formula, but had to give up the "Hy-Tran" name.
First I buy oil by the barrel for the engine and transmission oil. For oil in the truck I buy by the pail since I only need about 10 gallon of 75-90 in the rear ends and 1 5 gallon pial for the transmission. For the tractors it's barrels an I just get the THF from my fuel guy. I have a couple barrels of each engine and THF on hand now. I managed to buy it before it went through the roof price wise. First one was around 400 a barrel and later was closer to 500 barrel engine oil was around the last price I believe. If you change the oil and filter regularly it will be fine with that oil if you want to go to extended intervals and stretch out filter changes then you need to go with the Hy-Tran oil.

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