White 2-70 Carb icing up

An update. I actually got to use my tractor for an entire job of moving round bales and pulling up a couple of wagons for firewood. I added a piece of tin and learned to "LET IT WARM UP"!! I added the tin and was so excited I fired her up and headed to the back to get the wagons. It froze up, I was disheartened. A couple of minutes and I ran it to the lean to. Then while splitting wood I got to thinking about it so went and started it and let it run for about 10 minutes and then headed back to the wagons, got them pulled up, grabbed a bale and fed a pen of steers and then grabbed two more bales and placed them near. Very excited and happy to have it running in cold weather. Moving feed Wed, will try to get pictures and update on that job. Thank you one and all for the help and information.
One thing I remember was that they mad some gaskets for between the carburetor and the intake manifold out of 1/8 inch aluminum to keep them from freezing
One thing I remember was that they mad some gaskets for between the carburetor and the intake manifold out of 1/8 inch aluminum to keep them from freezing
Interesting. I was just talking/posting about how an old timer once told me the M/S carbs were more prone to icing than the Zeniths. I compared the gas 1655's and Allis 180's: Both 265 cube engines, both about 65 HP tractors. Only difference that I could see from a carb icing standpoint was the MS carbs on the Ollies vs. the Zenith on the 180 (and 190 with the same engine). I've read lots about 1655 icing problems, but never had nor heard of problems with a gas 180/190.

I hypothesized that the zinc bowl of the Zeniths might be part of the reason, because Zinc is a much better heat conductor, and might have absorbed heat from the engine/manifold/surroundings better. Maybe that tallies with the aluminum gasket: better heart conduction from the manifold.
Well, I built the heat houser unit and thought it worked. What I have found out, if I keep it under a 1/2 throttle it will run. Over 1/2 throttle she dies. Will start right back up. So, haven't taken the side shields off yet, would there be a rubber gas line breaking down? Fuel filter between tank and carb plugged? Looking in with a flashlight, not seeing anything in the tank that would plug off the line. Just wondering if anyone has gone down this road and can give me a little direction.
Have you tried running it without a fuel cap and letting it vent freely? If that's not it, sounds to me like you have a float problem or it's sucking air in through a bad or cracked gasket as the RPMs rise. Personally, I'd run it first with a little piggyback tank directly gravity fed to the carb, something you know is clean with a clean line. If the problem persists, you have a carb problem. If it doesn't, you have a feed issue. If you have a carb problem, I'd just rebuild it and reset the float height, and make sure all the gaskets are fresh.
Also, what's the carb number?

And I see the vacuum line is plugged from the manifold. Your distributor has been changed as well?
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Have you tried running it without a fuel cap and letting it vent freely? If that's not it, sounds to me like you have a float problem or it's sucking air in through a bad or cracked gasket as the RPMs rise. Personally, I'd run it first with a little piggyback tank directly gravity fed to the carb, something you know is clean with a clean line. If the problem persists, you have a carb problem. If it doesn't, you have a feed issue. If you have a carb problem, I'd just rebuild it and reset the float height, and make sure all the gaskets are fresh.

WONDERFUL suggestions!! Will put together a small plastic tank and put a hose to the carb and try that this weekend. Thanks for the idea!!
Also, what's the carb number?

And I see the vacuum line is plugged from the manifold. Your distributor has been changed as well?

I'll try to remember to take a picture of the carb tomorrow. Vacuum line plugged? Is that the two holes above and below the connection point of intake and carb? Bought this tractor used last fall, having this problem within a month of owning it, will try to take a picture of the distributor and post it as well. Appreciate the help and will try to get the pictures posted tomorrow after chores for you to make some decisions.
I'll try to remember to take a picture of the carb tomorrow. Vacuum line plugged? Is that the two holes above and below the connection point of intake and carb? Bought this tractor used last fall, having this problem within a month of owning it, will try to take a picture of the distributor and post it as well. Appreciate the help and will try to get the pictures posted tomorrow after chores for you to make some decisions.
The vacuum port is the square plugged hole just above the carb/intake flange. Check out this video for a little demo/explanation:


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