165 pto issues


My PTO works fine when it is in ground selection but won't even go into "engine" selection. I have plenty of hydraulic fluid in the case, so what's the issue?
For a mechanical PTO the fluid level is no important....as long as you have enough there.
It sounds as if you have lost the correct adjustment of the second stage. There should be approx one inch of free travel at the end of the pedal and the second stage of the clutch should be felt at halfway down or just below. The free PTO shaft should stop turning when the pedal is not less than one inch from fully depressed.
If you do not have these approximate settings the clutch will need to be adjusted internally.
Remove the inspection cover from underneath and using a flashlight you will see 3 equally spaced screws and lock nuts requiring to good-fitting 1/2" open ended spanners. A setting tool of approx 090" is required. Two hand hacksaw blades with the teeth ground off will give the approx thickness. Adjust the screws to give the correct clearance at the heads. The actual gap is not vital but all clearances must be the same. Afterwards adjust the clutch pedal to give approx 3/8" free travel at the point where the stop is. This is not an axact figure as the adjustment depends on the amount of wear in the plates and linkage. A second adjustment may be necessary if not quite right the first time.

A little more information would help. Are the gears grinding, when you try the engine selection? Or is the lever just stuck, so it won't go to that position?
Weird, I didn't see David's reply when i typed my message. It almost feels, as the forum is somehow out of sync.. meaning the new phbb and classic views?

Anyways , disregard my post, as the solution was already presented with more detail.
(quoted from post at 09:10:30 06/17/10) Hi,

A little more information would help. Are the gears grinding, when you try the engine selection? Or is the lever just stuck, so it won't go to that position?

The lever is loose and the gear grinds when I try to put it into position.

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