Okay gentlemen I pose this question to you. If you had to do some pretty extensive "discing" which tractor would you choose to use? Keep in mind both are in good condition. I ask this because an old mechanic that fixes my tractors from time to time swears that the 165 is a better overall tractor then the 290.
Will try not to show my passion for the 165 here!!!
To make an informed decision I would first look at the size of your discs. Will the 165 handle them or do you need the extra power of the 290? If the 165 is OK you will be wasting fuel with the 290.
What type of soil will you be operating in? Will the extra weight of the 290 cause any more compaction? Are there any benefits of one tractor over the other, no cab, cab, sun canopy?
If you have a lot of work to do, the 290 with its engine balancer will be a little smoother to operate. Finally, which has the most comfortable seat?
DavidP, South Wales

Well, I ask this because yesterday I did a total of six hours of tractor work. Three hours of the work was discing in my Grandfather's apricot orchard with the 290 while the other three was spent picking up apricot tree trimmings with the 165. Though I did the last three hours of work on the 290, my back seems to hold up much better while using the 165. For some reason the 165 seems to ride smoother to me. I just don't know how good it would be for discing.
Just regarding your back standing up better with the 165 i have noticed the same with our 165 v 590 the 165 driving position feels so much nicer than the 590 no matter how much I adjust the 590"s seat I think it must be something to do with the 165"s lower seat position and the position or angle of the steering wheel
The 185 (which is very similar to a spec as a 165 but with the same engine as 290)
Its much nicer to use, as it is more nimble etc,and better driving position than the longer tractors eg, 188 or 290 but the only down side is its bouncy with larger implements

Well I ask because I have been doing all my discing with my 290 which is going to be out of commission for awhile until I get the money to fix the hydraulics. So now I'll be using the 165 for all my discing duties. I guess I'll find out which one I like better.

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