1948 MM UTU 4.625x6.625 Crankshaft help needed!!

Need a little help. So, I have cleaned the engine and about to start assembly when I realized my Rods are too wide to fit on the crankshaft... Tag on the crankshaft says journals are 2.577 which is the correct bearing size, but the bearing surface is roughly 2.04 wide, and the rod width is just shy of 2.25. So, my question is what width should I mill these rods too? Does anyone know how much clearance I should give between the rod and crank? I'm thinking around .010 on each side should be sufficient but wanted to see if anyone has had experience with these larger cranks.

Thanks all,
You need to measure the width of a g rod To determine the correct amount to remove. Seems to me that I took .063 off each side of my 283 rod.
You really need to talk to a machinist who builds engines.
Your bearing inserts will have some bearing on the width of the rod as well.
Keep in mind that your crank journals should have a fillet at each end and your bearing shells should allow for the fillet radius too.

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