2140 starter motor change


New User
Hi all,
I've roped myself into changing a 2140 starter motor for a family member. We've got the new starter but I need some advice please.

How much of a job is it to change? It's the 2 bolt type and looks like it's difficult to access (it's behind the rail that the joins bell housing to the front axle casting).

The tractor is 100 miles away so I'd like to have a plan to get it done in a day including travelling. Are there any specific tools john deere made for it?

Does the rail need to come off? if so, what is involved in that please?

Many thanks
Hello Holmes welcome to YT. Never worked on one of
those so I cannot give you any advice from experience.
Maybe if the owner sent you a couple of pictures it
would give you some idea of what you might need.
Per the online JD parts catalog it looks like the upper
mounting stud nut could be a little tricky to access,
see link.
JD 2140 online part catalog

I have R&R d the starter on my 1640 with the side plates and a 240 loader installed . Goes better with a selection of long, short wrenches and swivel drive sockets .
A few things to look for .
The ground from the battery to the sheet metal is not worth a darn and is not practical to repair . The solution is a new additional ground cable from the common battery negative . Down to the top mounting stud for the starter . This alone will solve some starting problems .
Next common problem is there one little bitty tired battery being used instead of two large batteries .
Is the owner plugging in the block heater and warming the engine ?
Is the fuel system full of #2 summer diesel ?
A manual de-stroker on the front pump will eliminate the pumping load while cranking .
Holding the clutch down while cranking will help a wee bit .
The image of the special tool in the other post is the best solution in my book. I have made several over the years and lent them out to
customers.(permanently in some cases it seems) One version I made used a 1/2 nut welded to the shank and a short piece of rod welded at a
right angle to the shank to make a speed handle

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