2705 Clutch and Flywheel Questions


My clutch is starting to slip in high gears with a load. I just put in a new friction disk and new pressure plate a few years ago. We are very easy on equipment.

When I replaced the friction plate and pressure plate last I thought that it was unusual that the friction plate was only wore down .010" or .020" (I forget, but it was no where near getting into the rivets). The flywheel looked good, no grooves wore in etc.

I did not measure the flywheel at the time, but I'm now thinking that the flywheel is probably wore.

Is there any way to build up and machine down a flywheel? Or shim it out? Or am I probably in for a new flywheel?

The flywheel may be glazed.
Milling a flywheel really doesn't hurt things being thinner, since the pressure plate still bolts to the new surface.
Some flywheels have a step in them for the pressure plate to mount to and that surface is also milled along with the center of the flywheel so that the distance between the two stays correct.
The next time you have the tractor apart have the flywheel cleaned up at a machine shop.
Thanks Jeff,

Now that you mentioned it I'm remembering the details. I also remembered that I bought a manual for the tractor. :oops:

I will spit the tractor and measure that flywheel offset (1.835" as per manual) and the spring loading.

Good Day,
Are you sure the transmission brake (part of the preasure plate adjustment) isn't holding the preasure plate away from the clutch. This can be adjusted from the bottom by removing the plate.

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