3 Point on MF 180 Slow

I have a 1970 MF 180 that the three point is slow on. I picked up a 2 bottom plow on the three point hitch boom tonight, and it took a minute at 1500 rpm. The three point also seemed to cycle (move up and down slightly) when in position. Any tips on where to start first? Thanks.
Start with the hydraulic filter. All symptoms points at a clogged filter. Remove the PTO plate/cover on the left or the cover under the transmission - much better accessibility - depending on production year of your tractor. Remember to drain the oil fully and dont expect it to be an easy exercise. - Normally there will be a lot of dirt inside: - Drain,fill with diesel, drive slowly forward-back, drain. Repeat once or twice before fitting new filter. Remember: Diesel is also a lubricant, but dont use the lift with diesel.

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