3505 Parking Brake Sticking?


I just bought a 3505. If I am moving along in any gear and press on the clutch it seems like the tractor slows down and stops too fast. I think that the parking brake is sticking.

I loosened off the parking brake as far as I could by adjusting the clevis that hooks to the hand lever.

The drawings for the brake show another internal adjustment inside the transmission. Anybody know what I have to do to get a look at the parking brake inside the transmission? Is there an inspection door somewhere that I have been unable to locate?

I don't have a service manual yet.

I believe that the 3505 has a 'pull and turn' type handbrake control with a cable connecting to the brake actuator. Have you checked that the cable is free to release the discs? If the cable does not run freely it will not require much drag to slow the tractor down.
DavidP, South Wales
This one has a hand lever on the left side of the drivers seat. It is connected via a cable and pulley to a lever on top of the trans, at the rear, that turns a shaft entering the transmission.

Everything outside of the transmission is working OK.

Until my service manual arrives I can't see how to look into the trans at all. I can see on agco parts how it goes together, but can't see where to access.

I know about the pull / turn parking brakes you mentioned, our 2705 has one fitted.

If you have a look at the side cover on the LHS of the trans you will see a large hexagon plug in approximately the 5 o'clock position. With the oil drained the plug can be removed. This will give access to the internal adjuster on the actuator. It would be advisable to have one rear wheel jacked clear of the floor so that you can compare the effort required to turn the wheel before and after.

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