4020 brake valve


New User
Hey guys Im in a bit of a pickle with my 4020 brake valve rebuild. I took everything apart and washed the housing in solvent. Lo and behold I found 2 pins in the bottom and can't for the life of me figure out where they go. Here's a picture of them. Any help would be Greatly appreciated! Btw I do have parts diagrams but the pictures are too fuzzy to make any sense of it. One end of each pin has a little notch in them.


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Hey guys Im in a bit of a pickle with my 4020 brake valve rebuild. I took everything apart and washed the housing in solvent. Lo and behold I found 2 pins in the bottom and can't for the life of me figure out where they go. Here's a picture of them. Any help would be Greatly appreciated! Btw I do have parts diagrams but the pictures are too fuzzy to make any sense of it. One end of each pin has a little notch in them.
They go in the upper part that the pedals are on
rockcreek 4630 is correct... The two pins R31464 are equalizing pins.. They go into the top brake bracket housing R57815 at a angle.. at the surface where the gasket is... Lub them and slide into there ports.. They must be free in there bore, which they are.. You say a notch on one end of pin?? That notch would be up rubbing against the left and right guides R52169 that are in the top part of the valve housing..

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