65 rear rim question


Well-known Member
I need to replace one power adjust rear rim on my 65. Prices I'm finding online are running $450.00 - $550.00.

Can this be replaced with a non power adjust rim?


Thanx, Ron
That rim does not look all that bad. I have fixed ones that where by far a whole lot worse. By the way those rims are the same as ones used on the A/C tractors and a few others so you maybe able to find good used ones or find some one who is good at welding and fix that one
Looks like a simple fix to me. Remove tire and tube. find a heavy washer the valve stem sized and weld it to it. Some hand grinding may be required.
PS: An AC rim is 5 bar.
that rim has some life left in it

if valve stem area is really peeling bad, I have welded shut from the inside with a patch and drilled a new valve stem hole in a new spot

Thanks guys, I should have mentioned in the original post that I intend to repair it, however I know how my projects tend to go from a creep to a full blown dash when it comes to growing in magnitude of repairs needed.

I'll keep you posted when I finally get to the job.
Yep, it is a big job, but 450 each is big money. I don't like these things anyway, much prefer 6 loops- and as you can see, to put the 6 lug rim on a Power adjust center would be an even bigger welding project.





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