8n little problem need advice about tune up

went through my tractor new points coil distributor cap rotor condenser ect cranks okay has a little put put and every now and then a
little pop sound out of tAil pipe what is this carb or what, it runs better some time especially idling. ive used today and it did
okay today but the sound on tail pipe im not sure what it is, it had sitting a while i had to split it and put a starter fly wheel
ring on any help appreciated Gary Hartwell Ga
I had the same problem. 95% cured the put put with a valve adjustment. I don't know how often this should be checked on these old Fords. Motorcycles need to be checked anywhere from 6 - 30k miles. If you don't know where the clearances are at or haven't checked it in a while,I would. It's easy enough and it'll run better if it needs adjustment. Mine were all at .005 or less, I adjusted them to the max spec, .012 intake and .016 exhaust. As far as I know the clearance usually gets less with wear not more.
Could be a few different things but I would check the mechanical advance in the distributor for being free. Advanced timing can make exhaust fluttery when at idle. Not very familiar with the front mount distributors if that is what it has, I would think it would have an advance. On a working advance you should be able to twist the rotor forward with your thumb and fore finger the direction the distributor turns. It should then spring back when let go.
6V or 12V? Front or Angle Distributor? It matters. The front mount is timed, tested, and set a special way. Incorrect point settings will cause a few non-starting issues. A sticking valve can cause sputtering. Incorrect firing order can cause backfiring. An electrical short can cause backfiring. Incorrect carb settings can cause sputtering. Incorrect wiring can cause a multitude of issues. You need to root cause problem solve to determine exactly what. Avoid guessing and yanking old parts off willy-nilly and installing new ones without proper troubleshooting.

Tim Daley (MI)
(quoted from post at 18:04:54 11/30/23) Could be a few different things but I would check the mechanical advance in the distributor for being free. Advanced timing can make exhaust fluttery when at idle. Not very familiar with the front mount distributors if that is what it has, I would think it would have an advance. On a working advance you should be able to twist the rotor forward with your thumb and fore finger the direction the distributor turns. It should then spring back when let go.
"Not very familiar with the front mount distributors"..... true statement as the following is not correct for N tractor front or side mount distributors: "On a working advance you should be able to twist the rotor forward with your thumb and fore finger the direction the distributor turns. It should then spring back when let go." Only the points cam advances, not the rotor. You are welcome!
JMOR, thanks for the correction. Then he should grab
across the flats of the cam lobes with a pliers and give
them a gentle twist and expect the same results as I
placed in my other reply. Not to many guys have a
timing light to check it the more correct way with the
engine running.

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