4010 puller

Well-known Member
Hey guys I'm going to look at a D 17 for sale with tricycle and 3 point hitch. Asking $2300. How do I know if it has power steering or not, did any come without? What else do I need to look for on this tractor. I looked up the serial number it it showed being later in the year of the 2nd year made, so I'm assuming that would be a series I? Would this one have the big lever on the right for the 2 speed?


On Series I D-17, the power steering pump is mounted on the rear of the generator. Yes, they didn't all have power steering particularly in the narrow front. All D-17 tractors have the "Power Director" clutch that give high and low range in all gears. The only issue with this tractor is that some of them have tendency to slip out of gear in some situations (often called popping). Usually it is 2nd or 3rd. Drive it in all gears (4th is probably not a problem) up and down hills. Ask the seller about gear popping or other issues.
Make sure the Power Director (hand clutch) is good. Drive the tractor at a slow speed, stand on the brakes- it should keep pulling in both low and high range. Should have a firm snap to it when moving the lever. Replacing the innards is spendy and requires a tractor split. Price seems pretty fair for average condition. Tires are a big factor.
You may be right. My Series I is a diesel. The generator is where it is at. I checked the parts manual and it doesn't help much. They show that the diesel steering pump is different than the gas but it doesn't show or say where it is mounted. The IT manual does indicate the pump mounts to the governor on the gas units and on the back of the generator before serial number 38964. Thanks for the input.
Tractor had a makeshift 3 point without a place for a toplink, pretty well junk and needing an aftermarket system. Sheetmetal was decent. Tires were holding air but all pretty well shot. The steering shaft came down along the engine up into the front somewhere in front of the radiator. I started it up and it seemed to run ok but the steering was very tough even with the tractor running. What is the dipstick type thing that stands up vertically between the front grill and radiator? How come down on the tricycle front end about 1/4 way down it has a 1/8" pipe plug in it? I take it has manual steering?

Is the serial number cast into the flange on the bellhousing on the carburetor side of the engine? That is the only # I could find on the tractor and it was like so: D17 19964. The decals said series IV and it had 2 M&W high compression piston stickers on it.

What do you think?
The number you show is the serial number and it indicates that is was built in 1959 and is a Series I. Sounds like no power steering however it could have it but be not working - mine was like that when I bought it. You need to locate the power steering pump if it has one - only sure way to know. The tube is the breather for the steering sector. This is also where lubricant is added to the steering system. Since the guy put decals on it for the wrong series, I wonder if the M&W stickers mean anything.
TX Denny:

Would this tractor still have a breathing tube on it if it had no power steering? I'd say the engine was rebuilt at one time with larger or high compression pistons.

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