Average age of user

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I dont remember who posted a few days ago but some one made a comment on the age of the user of this forum. I am guessing the average age is fairly people who grew up using these tractors. But i though it was a good excuses to figure out the poll feature. Poll closes in a week.
40 here

I didn't vote on the poll because 40 was available on two answer options.
I dont remember who posted a few days ago but some one made a comment on the age of the user of this forum. I am guessing the average age is fairly people who grew up using these tractors. But i though it was a good excuses to figure out the poll feature. Poll closes in a week.
I turned 40 2-weeks ago and I grew up using these old tractors. Ford N-series, 01-series, thousand series, even the later Ford 3430 tractor (bought new). Also have worked on and used older MF tractors, Farmall tractors, IH diesel tractors, Case, and John Deere equipment. I currently own around 175-180 pieces of motorized equipment whether it be ag or construction. 98% being 40 years old and older dating back to 1936.

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