Bring your tractor to school day

Don't feel sorry for him. Looking at the other tractors most of them appear to be large, 4wd, newer, or fairly so, etc. In other words expensive or still being paid for by "someone". That said I'd venture a guess that the kid with the mower is the only one that actually brought "his" tractor to school and not his dad's tractor.
Kids tried that at the next school district over, Principal was not impressed call state troopers and kids not only got suspended, also fined for driving tractors on roads not going to/from farm and fields . Most had to get tractors hauled back to farm.
Around here a tractor is legal on any road as long as it isn't a limited access high speed highway.
Just need a slow moving sign, drive rage 16+ and keep it under 25mph.
The tractor is the vehicle of choice around here for those on a budget,those who have never had or have lost their driver's license.
Makes me miss my FFA days.

Too bad FFA Week is in winter. Summer time would make tractor day much more enjoyable for those without cabbed tractors.
We have an FFA tractor drive in 2 times a year, we look forward to it as well as the school staff does most of us dont have cabs and I'm the only one with the good tractors ( minne mo's)

First one is Sept 06 second it sept 07


man i wish we did that at my school! only time we can drive tractors to school is when we run our food for america program one day in late october. ( that is where we teach all teh intermediate schoolers and under about agriculture) i drove my dad's John Deere 70 Diesel in for the tractor safety portion and somone brought a new deere 8330 to compare to the old technology. we use tractors and throw racks to bring the kids to the HS from the other schools. that day i drove the 70 in, it was raining and blowing like mad! but i did it! it was fun though.
I really want to run the drive your tractor to school day past my advisor because it would be fun! FFA week is awesome!
Yea i remember one time I we were set to go the night before and they were calling for rain, I don't remember which time it was but I remember calling at least one other buddy and saying "you gonna haul in" "Yep ain't nothing gonna stop me" So In we went. This year rode in with a carhartt and a pair of gloves (still in my locker) and rode home in a t-shirt. Also i was letting a buddy drive the 302, so I wanted to change the oil as i though it had some water in it. 10 at night got'er done and still had to hook up a battery disconnect switch. But it is great fun.
I always wanted to do that but not very many in our chapter wanted to! Its kinda sad how a chapter wouldnt want to dosomething like that especially here in WYOMING!

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