Community Features Forum


Staff member
Washington State
We now have a new forum for feature threads that the community provides. This forum is for any recurring threads that an individual community member takes responsibility for and provides interesting information on an ongoing basis. The forum is not for threads started to chat or discuss general topics other than those that are planned as a feature. The features may be on-topic (tractors), or other related topics. Examples are (but not limited to) Puzzles, Photos, Jokes. The commonality is that they are items that the community member provides regular content for.

Unlike Tractor Tales, this forum is visible to non-members similar to how Tractor & Farm Talk is set up.

There have been complaints about the length that such features can grow to. This can be addressed by dating the features and starting new threads when they grow too large. For example, I might have a backlog of tractor jokes and start a feature thread to share those jokes. The first one could be called "Chris' Tractor Jokes - 02/20/2024" and for some period I choose, I use that thread until it grows too large, then start a new one (e.g., "Chris' Tractor Jokes - 03/01/2024"). You in the community can decide yourself how you want to do this. The sky is the limit. If your feature grows very quickly, just create a new version of the thread each day, or even every other day. It's up to you.

For other types of ongoing threads, particularly those related to your tractor restoration or repair projects, we would recommend these be handled in either the manufacturer forum related to your tractor, or one of the general categories/forums like Restoration and Repair.

Threads started as chit chat, will be removed or moved to a more appropriate forum.

The name "Community Features" is just the initial title to get it going. We will be working with the community in the future to come up with what they feel is a better title.
Thanks Chris and team, there has been a large drop off of hits at the moment from around 100 hits per day down to around 20 but that should increase as people get used to the new location. One thing I have noticed is the thread title does not come up in "Bold" like the other forums when new posts are added. Just an observation not a complaint. ;););););)


  • Yesterday's Tractors Forums and 1 more page - Personal - Microsoft​ Edge 2_22_2024 8_13_25 AM.png
    Yesterday's Tractors Forums and 1 more page - Personal - Microsoft​ Edge 2_22_2024 8_13_25 AM.png
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I see what you are saying I think. I'm not sure that since it's a forum, it can have the same font size as the categories but I will check with @jkane. He'll know. Thanks.
It may be a forum, but should it be a category, with some forums for threads of the type described, to be placed in it rather than the other categories. If it is a forum in the General category maybe it needs to be right under Tractor Tales (OT) rather than set off by itself. Just a thought.
It may be a forum, but should it be a category, with some forums for threads of the type described, to be placed in it rather than the other categories. If it is a forum in the General category maybe it needs to be right under Tractor Tales (OT) rather than set off by itself. Just a thought.
Thanks. I already posed the question as to whether it can be a Forum and also a Category (font wise). As to the other approach, that was my original thought, but there was some reason that eludes me why it needed to be at the Category level. I'll revisit.
Thanks. I already posed the question as to whether it can be a Forum and also a Category (font wise). As to the other approach, that was my original thought, but there was some reason that eludes me why it needed to be at the Category level. I'll revisit.
Your group is doing great in bringing things ahead from the old platform. I see it appears Kim has some help now on the moderation side of things, hopefully that will take some that load from her and may help in a few areas as people see it is not just one person interpreting the content. Thank you to all of you.
Your group is doing great in bringing things ahead from the old platform. I see it appears Kim has some help now on the moderation side of things, hopefully that will take some that load from her and may help in a few areas as people see it is not just one person interpreting the content. Thank you to all of you.
I've not been involved in the moderation changes, but yes, the YT staff has been helping out with moderation. This has the effect of bringing to forum moderation, many years of hands on parts expertise from people who are constantly answering parts installation questions across numerous tractors. I think there may be more to come too, like user mod privileges for those in the community who have spent so much time helping people out with the forums. This is all just heresay, because as I say, I'm not involved in that aspect.
Here you go.
Here is my screen shot. Text is bold but larger then the others.

And per the second screen shot, the text is not bold after marking all forums read via the home page button.


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Here is my screen shot. Text is bold but larger then the others.

And per the second screen shot, the text is not bold after marking all forums read via the home page button.
Mine view is like yours is now, it wasn't when I posted that screen shot. I believe a change or two was made, between our postings, as was being discussed when my post was made. It stands out better now. Thanks to Chris and staff.
Thanks Chris and team, there has been a large drop off of hits at the moment from around 100 hits per day down to around 20 but that should increase as people get used to the new location. One thing I have noticed is the thread title does not come up in "Bold" like the other forums when new posts are added. Just an observation not a complaint. ;););););)

In the 21 days of the single thread of pictures, 12k views were garnered.
That is 571 views per day.
Which is quite close to the views garnered per picture prior to the change.
Even tho those have had more time to gather more views.
Thanks Chris and team, there has been a large drop off of hits at the moment from around 100 hits per day down to around 20 but that should increase as people get used to the new location. One thing I have noticed is the thread title does not come up in "Bold" like the other forums when new posts are added. Just an observation not a complaint. ;););););)
I'm only one person, but I've not gone and looked at the pictures since they were moved to the new location, there are probably others like me.

My opinion is that people come here mostly for specific categories, like Tales, or tractor talk, or a brand specific one, and looked at/enjoyed the pictures when they were part of the original category. Now that they are in their own location they don't want to go there to look at them. In my opinion, there are too many categories, too much busyness which makes it hard for people to find stuff.

I think you would get way more "hits" or views if they were moved back to the original category.

The change to all of them being in the same thread also restricted views. The best way to handle it, in my opinion is move them back to Tractor Talk or Tales and make a new post every day.
I think you would get way more "hits" or views if they were moved back to the original category.

The change to all of them being in the same thread also restricted views. The best way to handle it, in my opinion is move them back to Tractor Talk or Tales and make a new post every day.
I have to say the above thought does not appear to be the way it is.

Majorman claimed in his post that before the creation of Community Features section existed the picture threads were getting 100 hits per day.
Now with them appearing in the Community Features section, the picture threads are averaging way more per day than they were in Tales.

In fact, the picture threads done back before the new software change over in December are showing less hits NOW than the picture threads posted just yesterday and Monday! Even tho the December threads have been active for 120 days garnering hits.

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I have just totalled the hits for the 17th of March as an average day when I posted 5 pictures separately, they total 1472 and that is with leavig out the Compilation. Do not think we ever reached figures like that back on the Tales forum. But numbers are only a guide to the popularity of a post and I do not think KCM or I are in a numbers competition.

The one thing that has dropped since leaving Tales is the number of complaints from people who did not want to see pictures or puzzles on that site. So now the majority are happy with the way things are. The main people, Kim and Chris, are happy and that is all I care about as I am a guest in their home (site).

Not trying to start an argument, just posting things as I see them. You do not have to put up with any more of my pictures apart from the odd one, for the near future.

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