Morning All, newbie here....I'm going to replace my fluids in my 841 and what I am looking to find out is what fluid I need for the trans/ hydraulics etc and where to buy it. I have read several posts and it sounds like I can use one fluid for all, except the engine which I get. There is a lot of posts on this subject and if I follow this statement: the unit it has 3 sumps in the rear.. HYDS, TRANS and DIFFY... all 3 can use CNH M2C134D.. a thinnish UTF type oil ( generic UTF meeting the 134d oil..... who has a product that will work ? Napa has mineral oil for 140.00 a bit steep for me they also have a mobile product "mobile delvac tractor hydraulic fluid" which is more affordable but can I use this and does it meet the ford spec. Any other choices ? Any help would be greatly appreciated....happy easter!