Ford 841 tans fluid


Morning All, newbie here....I'm going to replace my fluids in my 841 and what I am looking to find out is what fluid I need for the trans/ hydraulics etc and where to buy it. I have read several posts and it sounds like I can use one fluid for all, except the engine which I get. There is a lot of posts on this subject and if I follow this statement: the unit it has 3 sumps in the rear.. HYDS, TRANS and DIFFY... all 3 can use CNH M2C134D.. a thinnish UTF type oil ( generic UTF meeting the 134d oil..... who has a product that will work ? Napa has mineral oil for 140.00 a bit steep for me they also have a mobile product "mobile delvac tractor hydraulic fluid" which is more affordable but can I use this and does it meet the ford spec. Any other choices ? Any help would be greatly appreciated....happy easter!

You should get many answers on what oil/fluid to use. I am just going to say Mobil Delvac Tractor Hydraulic Fluid meets the Ford spec, FORD ESN-M2C134-D, according to the product data sheet. It is the current Mobil replacement for Mobilfluid 424 (which replaced Mobilfluid 423) which some have said they used when this has come up before.

Here is a link to the data sheet.

Mobil Delvac Tractor Hydraulic Fluid PDS
Thank you! I don't mind buying the correct product if it is expensive but I'm trying to see if there is something out there a bit more affordable for my tight budget.
Is it good to use the mobil in all three compartments ?

This post was edited by PB4402 on 04/09/2023 at 05:02 pm.

It depends a lot on where you live and how you will use the tractor. First, the reason for use of the much more expensive UTF is for proper service of clutch packs and wet brakes. You 841 has neither. We see a lot of posts here about "coffee milkshake" oil. This is UTF oil that has absorbed moisture out of humid air from condensation, and gradually absorbs more and more. The old lower priced oil doesn't absorb the moisture. You can eliminate it easily by loosening the drain plugs. The water will be on the bottom and will drain out before any oil comes out. If you will be using the tractor fairly frequently and for long enough to generate plenty of heat in the system, and you need the "warm fuzzy feeling that you get from spending more money to buy the UTF, the heat will drive the moisture out of UTF. If you don't get it hot, your oil will retain the moisture so you will need to change it probably annually, to avoid damage due to the suspended moisture.
Ok, so i am the Milwaukee Wi area and use the tractor mostly up north in the summer months. I dont use it a lot yet and most likely it will be 6 to 7 hours on sat/sun if i am lucky and not every weekend either, i keep it covered as well. The oil i just drained out of the trans was very milky and the so was the hydraulic, the differential was mostly dark in color not milky. With that info would the Mobil Delvac Tractor Hydraulic Fluid be the correct choice for all three compartments and if not what would be? and where would i have the best chance of finding it in the milwaukee area? I was thinking that if i use the mobil in the hydraulics and trans and then use something different in the diff i would not have to buy two 5 gallon pails to get it done.
(quoted from post at 06:05:13 04/10/23) Ok, so i am the Milwaukee Wi area and use the tractor mostly up north in the summer months. I dont use it a lot yet and most likely it will be 6 to 7 hours on sat/sun if i am lucky and not every weekend either, i keep it covered as well. The oil i just drained out of the trans was very milky and the so was the hydraulic, the differential was mostly dark in color not milky. With that info would the Mobil Delvac Tractor Hydraulic Fluid be the correct choice for all three compartments and if not what would be? and where would i have the best chance of finding it in the milwaukee area? I was thinking that if i use the mobil in the hydraulics and trans and then use something different in the diff i would not have to buy two 5 gallon pails to get it done.

Plase tell what keeping it covered has to do with it.

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