Forklift battery charging Question


Well-known Member
My boss has a crown forklift with a 36 volt battery. Battery people came out looked at them and said we need to charge them at 2amps for 48 hours. we don't have a charger that will do that. Can i take three 12 volt trickle chargers and run them at the same time? Each on a different twelve volt section of the battery.
I have used a twelve volt charger one 12 volt section at a time to bring them up enough for the regular 36 volt charger to recognize the battery. I have never done three chargers at once.
I would. I worked in a plant with many 36volt forklifts and we often charged 12v at a time either singularly or multiple.
I assume you can unbolt the batteries fairly easily? And also that each is a 6 volt battery with 3 cells?
Pretty sure its a single 36v battery. Thats how the ones I worked with were.
Can you really do without while it charges for 48 hours at a time? That seems excessive. Very few places can buy a forklift just to use every other day. They’re made to use daily, so we charged ours daily. It’s an expensive waste of space if its not being used.
My boss has a crown forklift with a 36 volt battery. Battery people came out looked at them and said we need to charge them at 2amps for 48 hours. we don't have a charger that will do that. Can i take three 12 volt trickle chargers and run them at the same time? Each on a different twelve volt section of the battery.
I have used a twelve volt charger one 12 volt section at a time to bring them up enough for the regular 36 volt charger to recognize the battery. I have never done three chargers at once.
Are you sure you got that 2amps right? 2 A x 48 hours is only 96amp hours. I looked up 36v forklift batteries I find them between 750 and 2000 AH. If yuou charge at 20A for 48 hours that would be 960 Amp hours which is more inline with what I would expect.

I seriously question the 2AH charge rate.
Are you sure you got that 2amps right? 2 A x 48 hours is only 96amp hours. I looked up 36v forklift batteries I find them between 750 and 2000 AH. If yuou charge at 20A for 48 hours that would be 960 Amp hours which is more inline with what I would expect.

I seriously question the 2AH charge rate.
Honestly I haven't got a clue. I am going by what the battery people recommended. They came out and inspected and made a report. The battery has been through a cycle on the 36 volt charger. I am not sure what this is supposed to do but they said this is what they do to batteries that have been sitting for a while. Thank you for your input and would listen to what you recommend. I have little to no knowledge on them. Certainly would take to heart anything you suggest.
Are you sure you got that 2amps right? 2 A x 48 hours is only 96amp hours. I looked up 36v forklift batteries I find them between 750 and 2000 AH. If yuou charge at 20A for 48 hours that would be 960 Amp hours which is more inline with what I would expect.

I seriously question the 2AH charge rate.
Why would you question the 2 amp charge rate? Most all of us have done that to try to bring old dead batteries back to life.
Why not ask the battery people how to do what they recommend?
He did ask them. That is where the 2 amps for 48 hours came from.

There are a lot of experts passing out bad information. I am not a battery expert. But physics is physics. Pushing 96 AH into that big 700+ AH battery is NOT going to charge it.

This is some basic battery charging information.

Battery Charging
My boss has a crown forklift with a 36 volt battery. Battery people came out looked at them and said we need to charge them at 2amps for 48 hours. we don't have a charger that will do that. Can i take three 12 volt trickle chargers and run them at the same time? Each on a different twelve volt section of the battery.
I have used a twelve volt charger one 12 volt section at a time to bring them up enough for the regular 36 volt charger to recognize the battery. I have never done three chargers at once.
have you ran a hydrometer check to see what level the cells are and liquid level also

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