New Battery for MF202...Wow


Well-known Member
Needed a new battery for my MF202 this morning so I went to Napa to get one. Some dimwit put a side post battery in it before I got it and I wanted a top post one anyway.

I was kind of shocked when he gave me the price of $189.00 for a two year warranty battery. I haven't purchased a battery in years but, WOW that shocked me.
I know what you mean. I was in Walmart the other day near batteries and had a few minutes so I decided to take a look. Wow I was shocked. Much higher than the last time I bought one.
(quoted from post at 15:01:24 08/24/23) Needed a new battery for my MF202 this morning so I went to Napa to get one. Some dimwit put a side post battery in it before I got it and I wanted a top post one anyway.

I was kind of shocked when he gave me the price of $189.00 for a two year warranty battery. I haven't purchased a battery in years but, WOW that shocked me.

What I'm discovering is that the saddest part of your experience is the warranty is only two years because that's the useful life of the battery, by design.
(quoted from post at 21:54:35 08/24/23)
(quoted from post at 15:01:24 08/24/23) Needed a new battery for my MF202 this morning so I went to Napa to get one. Some dimwit put a side post battery in it before I got it and I wanted a top post one anyway.

I was kind of shocked when he gave me the price of $189.00 for a two year warranty battery. I haven't purchased a battery in years but, WOW that shocked me.

What I'm discovering is that the saddest part of your experience is the warranty is only two years because that's the useful life of the battery, by design.

Exactly !
I'm surprised it had a two year warranty.
Most I've seen only have a one year
warranty. I bought batteries for a tractor
from JD and that's all they have. I know
because one just made it a month past that
warranty before it died. The other battery
was showing weak as well.
X2 on Wal mart, I have found that most batteries last about the same time. I had a JD strongbox last over 12 years, and the original in a Chevy truck last
10, but we live in a cool climate. Our new F 150 came with an AGM, I wonder how long it will last.

There are dozens of batteries that could work in that application.

When you went to NAPA did you choose which battery to buy or did NAPA choose for you?
I won't say you got took, but you could easily find a good battery at Walmart or Rural King (if you have them around) for under $100.
(quoted from post at 18:01:24 08/24/23) Needed a new battery for my MF202 this morning so I went to Napa to get one. Some dimwit put a side post battery in it before I got it and I wanted a top post one anyway.

I was kind of shocked when he gave me the price of $189.00 for a two year warranty battery. I haven't purchased a battery in years but, WOW that shocked me.

Just installed a new Delco Gold 800CCA battery in the 2017 . $409 with tax .
(quoted from post at 06:48:39 08/25/23) Our new F 150 came with an AGM, I wonder how long it will last.
That's what they're nudging us into. $350 for a Group 31. $500 for a 4D. Won't be long before SLA is just a memory.
I have had great success with desulfating setting on my battery charger. The car and truck get new ones, the rest of the rolling stock gets whatever I can get to take a charge.
(quoted from post at 14:29:01 08/25/23) I have had great success with desulfating setting on my battery charger. The car and truck get new ones, the rest of the rolling stock gets whatever I can get to take a charge.

I put the charger on the old one at 3:30 PM and left it on all night so it had 17 hours. When I got up in the morning, the charger green light was indicating full charge. The following morning I tried to start and it just kind of slowly groaned, no start.
X2 With desulfating, I have brought 2 tractor batteries 3 and 4 years old back to life. 1 mower battery 3 years old did not work. I sure didn't think it would work but it sure did.
Watch for Labor Day sales and shop around online. Measure your battery compartment and buy the maximum size (group) that will fit.

In vehicles I usually get 5 to 7 years of service from Walmart Everstart MAXX batteries.

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