O/T Remember being kids?

Nancy Howell

Well-known Member
Sorry, the pix didn"t make the trip. They were of the heroes and good guys (Superman, Lone Ranger, Hop Along, Mayberry, Honeymooners, Mouseketeers, Barney Fife, Little Rascals, etc) those of us over 40 grew up with.

Childhood in Black and White.
Go all the way to the bottom past the pictures. I think you"ll enjoy it. Whomever wrote this, described childhood to a T.
Hope you enjoy it.

Black and White
(Under age 40? You won"t understand.)

You could hardly see for all the snow,
Spread the rabbit ears as far as they go.
Pull a chair up to the TV set,
"Good Night, David. Good Night, Chet."

My Mom used to cut chicken, chop eggs and spread mayo on the same cutting board with the same knife and no bleach, but we didn"t seem to get food poisoning.

My Mom used to defrost hamburger on the counter AND I used to eat it raw sometimes, too. Our school sandwiches were wrapped in wax paper in a brown paper bag, not in ice-pack coolers, but I can"t remember getting e.coli.

Almost all of us would have rather gone swimming in the lake instead of a pristine pool (talk about boring), no beach closures then.

The term cell phone would have conjured up a phone in a jail cell, and a pager was the school PA system.

We all took gym, not PE . and risked permanent injury with a pair of high top Ked"s (only worn in gym) instead of having cross-training athletic shoes with air cushion soles and built in light reflectors. I can"t recall any injuries, but they must have happened because they tell us how much safer we are now.

Flunking gym was not an option, even for stupid kids! I guess PE must be much harder than gym.

Speaking of school, we all said prayers and sang the national anthem, and staying in detention after schoo l caught all sorts of negative attention.

We must have had horribly damaged psyches. What an archaic health system we had then. Remember school nurses? Ours wore a hat and everything.

I thought that I was supposed to accomplish something before I was allowed to be proud of myself.

I just can"t recall how bored we were without computers, Play Station, Nintendo, X-box or 270 digital TV cable stations.

Oh yeah ... and where was the Benadryl and sterilization kit when I got that bee sting? I could have been killed!

We played "king of the hill" on piles of gravel left on vacant construction sites, and when we got hurt, Mom pulled out the 48-cent bottle of Mercurochrome (kids liked it better because it didn"t sting like iodine did) and then we got our butt spanked.

Now it"s a trip to the emergency room, followed by a 10-day dose of a $49 bottle of antibiotics, and then Mom calls the attorney to sue the contractor for leaving a horribly vicious pile of gravel where it was such a threat.

We didn"t act up at the neighbor"s house either because if we did, we got our butt spanked there and then we got butt spanked again when we got home.

I recall Donny Reynolds from next door coming over and doing his tricks on the front step, just before he fell off. Little did his Mom know that she could have owned our house. Instead, she picked him up and swatted him for being such a goof. It was a neighborhood run amuck.

To top it off, not a single person I knew had ever been told that they were from a dysfunctional family. How could we possibly have known that?

We needed to get into group therapy and anger management classes? We were obviously so duped by so many societal ills that we didn"t even notice that the entire country wasn"t taking Prozac! How did we ever survive?


Pass this to someone and remember that life"s most simple pleasures are very often the best.

Black and White
(Under age 40? You won"t understand.)

You could hardly see for all the snow,
Spread the rabbit ears as far as they go.
Pull a chair up to the TV set,
"Good Night, David. Good Night, Chet."

My Mom used to cut chicken, chop eggs and spread mayo on the same cutting board with the same knife and no bleach, but we didn"t seem to get food poisoning.

My Mom used to defrost hamburger on the counter AND I used to eat it raw sometimes, too. Our school sandwiches were wrapped in wax paper in a brown paper bag, not in ice-pack coolers, but I can"t remember getting e.coli.

Almost all of us would have rather gone swimming in the lake instead of a pristine pool (talk about boring), no beach closures then.

The term cell phone would have conjured up a phone in a jail cell, and a pager was the school PA system.

We all took gym, not PE . and risked permanent injury with a pair of high top Ked"s (only worn in gym) instead of having cross-training athletic shoes with air cushion soles and built in light reflectors. I can"t recall any injuries, but they must have happened because they tell us how much safer we are now.

Flunking gym was not an option, even for stupid kids! I guess PE must be much harder than gym.

Speaking of school, we all said prayers and sang the national anthem, and staying in detention after schoo l caught all sorts of negative attention.

We must have had horribly damaged psyches. What an archaic health system we had then. Remember school nurses? Ours wore a hat and everything.

I thought that I was supposed to accomplish something before I was allowed to be proud of myself.

I just can"t recall how bored we were without computers, Play Station, Nintendo, X-box or 270 digital TV cable stations.

Oh yeah ... and where was the Benadryl and sterilization kit when I got that bee sting? I could have been killed!

We played "king of the hill" on piles of gravel left on vacant construction sites, and when we got hurt, Mom pulled out the 48-cent bottle of Mercurochrome (kids liked it better because it didn"t sting like iodine did) and then we got our butt spanked.

Now it"s a trip to the emergency room, followed by a 10-day dose of a $49 bottle of antibiotics, and then Mom calls the attorney to sue the contractor for leaving a horribly vicious pile of gravel where it was such a threat.

We didn"t act up at the neighbor"s house either because if we did, we got our butt spanked there and then we got butt spanked again when we got home.

I recall Donny Reynolds from next door coming over and doing his tricks on the front step, just before he fell off. Little did his Mom know that she could have owned our house. Instead, she picked him up and swatted him for being such a goof. It was a neighborhood run amuck.

To top it off, not a single person I knew had ever been told that they were from a dysfunctional family. How could we possibly have known that?

We needed to get into group therapy and anger management classes? We were obviously so duped by so many societal ills that we didn"t even notice that the entire country wasn"t taking Prozac! How did we ever survive?


Pass this to someone and remember that life"s most simple pleasures are very often the best.
I remember during the summer leaving the house in the morning and not coming home until evening. We would roam all over in complete safety.

I remember five people being squeezed into a car back seat meant for 3. I remember going to stores that didn't have multiple cameras watching your every move.

Considering society today, I sometimes wonder if I read it all in a book rather than actually living it because it sure was different from what I see around me.

We drank water out of a garden hose and didn't die.

We broke bones, got bruises, and got black eyes and no one got sued. They were just accidents.

We drank assorted liquids filled with sugar, but we didn't gain weight. We worked it off running around outside all day.

I could go on, but I gotta get back to work.
A lot of memories there. A lot left out too. The part about no electronic games. Anybody remember playing "fox and geese" in the snow? Digging huge snow forts with the ash scoop from the wood stove? We dug a big deep hole in the creek for a swimming hole. DNR would have driven us off today. Even this racism is new. We're told what a terrible country this used to be and how we have to make up for our sins today. The neighboring farmers were just that,neighbors. Folks that we traded work with. Talked to in the hardware store or the elevator. Times have changed for sure. You have to feel deep sympathy for the kids today. Dad always said "the only thing good about the good old days is that we were younger". Well,there was more to it than that.
Growing up in the 40'5 & 50's I do remember all those things also. Our house never had a lock on any doors, and the keys were always in our car. (one car) Dad had his flat bed truck. Stan
High school swim class was done in the nude. Now the swim instructor would be hauled into court and ruined if they tried that.
I got my 1st gun at age 12 a 22 Iver Johnson single shot.

Mom wouldn't let me have a BB gun "You might shoot your eye out silly"

Went Hunting Fishing and swimming and neve once was I bored.

We made go carts from old wheels that grampa found for us would run them down the hills and use our bare feet to stop at the bottom.

Would ride on the top of 3 tons of hay on the IHC 1 1/2 ton truck try that today.

was reading the post. i remember them also lived western colo. in a houes no indoor plumbing tell i was a freshman in hi school. helping dad feed with a team. waking up to 40 below going down stars to a coal stove to get dressed 1 brother 3 sisters. well personaly you can have them good old days. love my f150 with leather seat heated of coues air condition. f350 also. heated home with ele. and propane. so its nice to remember. but would not like to go back. we can find a lot things wrong with things today but on a whole were way better off then 20,30.40, years ago, beside i sorta well i do like my comp. internet and this site is fun enjoyable. and you can also lean from it.
Good to reminisce. Nancy, if you are 40, you still a kid! Remember ice cream churn that you cranked until you are fell off, then somebody else got a turn. Best stuff I ever et.
OK...Here's one for you...What was SKY KING'S airplane named ???? What did he have attached to the door panel of the drivers door of his station wagon??
Good to reminisce. Nancy, if you are 40, you still a kid! Remember ice cream churn that you cranked until your arm fell off, then somebody else got a turn. Best stuff I ever et.
I remember puttin up loose hay, coolin off in the cows tank, chopin off lambs tails, ringin hogs, and killin a chicken for Sunday dinner. I also rememberr pouring the milk through a cream separator and using the cream to make butter. I'd go back to those days in a heart beat. I believe one of the greatest compliments a child can give his parents is to say I wish I could live my childhood over again........rw
Hey there
Can I jump in here I'm 75, predate some of you.
We didn't have indoor toilets till I was 13(1946)
Had a pitcher-pump in the kitchen I guess that
qualifies as indoor plumbing.I remember when a
neighbor (1-1/2 miles away got a TV set,people
they didn't even know showed up to watch the show's.Every time a car went by that old set TV (9in.screen, box was 2ft long) went haywire.
Heck I didn't have a bike I was 10yrs old.
Coal heat 2 stoves,still I wish I could go back,
Life WAS different back then,and I miss those
times. Bob
God Bless
I am not but 59 and we never had water in the house until I was 16. 1964. Plowed tobacco with mules. Set many a plant by hand. Piled plant beds on steep hillsides. Cut wood with a cross cut saw as a kid. Picked corn by hand with 2 mules pulling the wagon
We had PE, not gym. Our grade school's gym had been converted into 2 classrooms (very small gym) while all 12 grades were still there. My first grade classroom still had rows of desks bolted to the floor (1964-5). The older students had newer desks, but many were built to use inkwells.

We also had to go outside to use the restrooms. We had a concrete block building between the school and the ball field that had the restrooms. I had teachers who remembered the outhouses when they went to high school there.
Can you rember Roy Rogers ,horse was Trigger. His side kick was Pete who drove Nellibell the jeep.-- What was his dogs name? --- I also cant rember what Dale Evans horse's name was. Im thinken it was Daisy?
You mentioned your Iver Johnson single shot back in the good old days. I still have mine. It can shoot "shorts" and "long rifles".
LA in WI
(quoted from post at 20:53:00 03/18/08) OK...Here's one for you...What was SKY KING'S airplane named ???? What did he have attached to the door panel of the drivers door of his station wagon??

wow, that came out of the blue (pun intended). I loved that show and completely forgot about it. OK, what are the answers? BTW, checked out the Sky King website and will have to spend some time perusing it.
I can even remember when it wasn't acceptable to have an illegitimate child. There wasn't even day care provided in my junior high school because none of the students had children. Boy were we ever behind the times!
Ain't it the truth! I got "thonged" in CHURCH Sunday- by a woman that had to be 40! remember when folks dressed up for church? I see women in more conservative clothes in bars!
remember when Superman was not an animated show? Remember "the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat?" remember 'Wild Kingdom'?
Bannana seats and high risers? Baja Bugs and dune buggies? REAL REDHEADS?
Forgot about the second part of the question..He had a rifle scabbard attached to the door panel..The gun was in full view whenever he opened the car door....

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