OT: 4 wheelers and dog conflict

Any body got any ideas how to keep my 3 year old black lab from chasing 4 wheelers? He is neutered, and won"t bother cars, pickups, or tractors. But he just hates 4 wheelers and motorcycles. Can"t say I blame him, when he was younger and still tied up there was LOTS of evidence in the form of cookies whipped in the road teasing him. Anyhow, Saturday afternoon he finally "caught" one going past for about the 3rd or 4th time. I will give our county deputies credit, they did find the kid that hit him. He is supposed to pay me back for the vet bill of just over 350 dollars, but I"m not betting on it. Was glad I was home, probably would have lost him if I wasn"t. Saw it happen, so had him to a vet within the hour with head and chest trauma. If I had not been home, probably would have had to deal with animal control again as I have some ***#! neighbor who has caused problems in the past when I had a good dog get killed about 4 years ago. Was accused of neglect, etc, took several of the good neighbors to clear me on this. Had 3 of them watching and feeding him while I was gone for three days, we were having a problem with meth labs at that time, and she was making their cooking too tough to do.
I feel for you as I had the same thing happen, but they eventually killed two of my dogs and were laughing as they drove away. The third dog was there when it happened and he doesn't chase them anymore. I don't know why the dogs chased them, but I never was able to break them of chasing quads and mopeds.
Put your dog on a chain or something is going to happen and you will end up paying big time for it. If the kid had wiped out and gotten hurt or killed because of the dog you will get sued into oblivion. People come first, dogs are way down the priority list as far as the law goes. I have been chased and bitten on bikes enough as a kid to not like dogs that are not on chains. Now it is a total liability. Not worth it. He needs a chain or a pen.
Our county has a lease law (though seldom enforcable) I'd say it is your job to keep it tied up or penned up or use invisible fence. As long as the 4 wheelers were on the road and not on your land. I'm betting he chases cars and trucks too.
Quads have no legal right on the street. Find out where they live and call the Police. Have them arrested and or parents. Keep your dog chained as said. The Quads are illegal and bothering your dog. I would also keep up to date on license and shots on dog. They are probably teasing the dog with their machines.
I most likely goes to the primal instinct to protect their territory (including you). Most animals don't understand our systems of straight property lines. He is just doing what comes naturally....
Dog Whisperer Cesar Millan had an episode where a farm dog would chase the trucks and tractors. He got a remotely controlled shock collar and then taught the dog that anytime he went after a wheeled vehicle he would get zapped. Dog came around real quick and stopped chasing them down. Farmer could then drive around and not have to worry about running the family pet over.

Cabela's sells these pretty reasonably and they have a great return policy if it doesn't work.
As I said in post, that is the root of the problem. He has been teased by the quads. He will break any cable bought off the shelf in short order. The invisible fence collar won't stop him either. Also, regarding using heavy cable, I have done that and it comes up missing with the stake pulled out of the ground also. When I had the problem with the neighbor who was accusing me of neglect, all the animal control could tell me is that the person is VERY ACTIVE in PETA and doesn't believe animals should be restrained.
If your dog chases motorcycles (or 4 wheelers) you are at fault as well. I have had a dog jump into my motorcycle. I was minding my own business going down a country road. Its a very dangerous situation. It could easily cause a wreck. It did damage my cycle.
Doug I have been there and its hard to control. I have given up on dogs after going through 3 in 4 years. I used to have brittany's and they would be off as soon as they caught a scent. The collar would go dead in a few days use. Be sure to get a rechargeable one. They can be very effective though if you can keep it charged and you can always be there to catch fido in the act. A local dog obedience class would help you to correct some of your problems too.

As far as your PETA neighbor they have their place in animal cruelty but most of them are so extreme like yours sounds they need to be taught a lesson on how to keep to their own buisness. Maybe your cows could get out in their yard cause it would be unethical to them to keep them penned up. Dealing with neighbors like that is extremly frusrating to me cause you give them an inch they take a foot.

Good luck with the dog!
My dad lost two Labbies to cars a year apart; one of them would climb a fence to chase cars if the fence was too tall to jump. I like the shock collar idea since Labbies are smarter and less bullheaded than some breeds.

Take the boy's parents to small claims court if he doesn't pay you. When you win, file an execution against the four-wheeler. Cut it up and sell it for scrap; or part it out and sell it on eBay.
This worked for us!

Get a shock collar like used to train hunting dogs. (Dogtra is ours) They operate like a TV Remote. They usually vibrate or send a beep, which can then be followed by a shock. Or just the shock alone. The strength can be controlled, lasts only a fraction of a second – AND SCARES THE HECK OUT OF ANY DOG! You just sit there and wait. Zap ‘em a time or two as soon as they start to chase and it’ll be the last time they chase any vehicle.

Our local animal shelter will lend a shock collar – maybe yours will too. Or borrow one….

Good luck – and this worked for us on two “herding” dogs! Hope it does for you too!
If the neighbor is pulling up the tiedown stake or letting the dog loose, maybe you can catch him in the act and get him for trespassing, attempted theft or something. Seems like there would be a law against someone willfully letting animals loose. Get them on film. Maybe use a trail camera.
I live well away from town and my dog is not chained or penned up. Why bother to have a dog if it is going to be chained up or in a small pen most of the time?? In my way of thinking it kind of defeats the purpose of one in the first place. It can't run off varmints two or four legged if confined. I'm sure I'll catch it for saying so, but that's my thought on the matter.
Hi Doug,

I'm pretty sure you will have a leash law in your county. If so, your responsible for all damages, requardless. I'd check that out first.

My Lab doesn't like ATV's, motorcycles or our local trash truck and from the way he acts it's the exhaust sound he don't like. He will start barking inside the house when the trash truck is 3/4 mile away. The other company's trash truck doesn't bother him that much until the driver compacks trash.

I made a yard leash from 1/8" aircraft cable, 200ft long and used 3/4 pipe 24" long as the stakes. I then took a 2" round 1/4" ring off the 200ft cable to a 6ft long leash with a double "D" closer. The double "D" will only get tigher the more pull that it has or breaks (not yet). The double "D" hooks into a nylon dog harness, not collar. So far this set up works well and gives him about 15ft of side movement x 200ft long.

The last dog I had was cured from chasing bicycles by the riders throwing torpedoes in the pea gravel. Probably can't find those anymore. Books in those days suggested the riders carry a pistol water gun filled with houshold ammonia and try to hit the dog in the face. I've never tried that. That dog caught a truck and didn't live the rest of the day.

Some dogs don't seem to be trained by mere pain such as cause by broken bones or from hitting vehicles they are chasing.

And sometimes those being chased egg on the dog but not briskly out running the dog but by just keeping barely in front of the dog. A dog will sometimes chase for miles if teased that way.

Gerald J.
Can't help you on how to break the dogs, really.

Here in Connecticut local leash law or not, you're responsible for your dogs damages. Car hits your dog, your homeowner's insurance is on the hook for damages to the car.

Dog Licensing began possibly back in the 19th century, it was certainly around in the early 20th reading the old town reports from then.

Back then the Towns were responsible to pay for dog damages to livestock if the dog's owner couldn't be found. The Dog Licenses are what provided the money to pay for investigating livestock damage and paying the owners when it was unknown whose dog did the damage.
This is a statement which does not relate to the topic or any of you. With today's law troubles and with dogs being penned up all the time, I find that no one should even own a dog unless they have suitable land for that dog to roam freely.
i don't think you're allowed to ride a four wheeler on the road, at least not in ohio. as for training dogs not to chase my motorcycle, i use a steel toed size 12! it's proven permenant at least once!
Think I will do an internet search for the Dogtra. Maybe Cabela's will have it, have bought a lot from them in the past. Anyhow, just had a motorcycle (Harley Davidson) go past in the last couple minutes and he went to within about 20 ft of the road and watched it go past instead of chasing. Maybe if I get a remote collar soon enough along with what he's been thru he will leave the quads and bikes alone. As mentioned earlier, he totally ignores anything but the cycles and quads. Cars, pickups, grain trucks, tractors, combines, anything but motorcycles and quads, he just ignores unless they pull in the driveway at which time he will friendly bark to let us know somebody is here.
That "D" ring idea is what I've been looking for. Currently I have two 50 foot runs of 3/8 nylon rope. My golden doesn't charge the end but my springer does and literally flips thru the air. Looks funny but I'm afraid she'll snap her neck one day.

quads are legal to ride on any road here, all you have to do is liscense it. My advice is keep your dog off the road and on your property or you could be the one getting stuck for damages to the quad or rider.
Cabelas has several different kinds. We got ours off the Internet. Don't recall from who.

We also have the Dogtra wire fence (have had one for 20 years). We like Dogtra because the initial signial is a vibration rather than a tone. Live on a rual road in Wyoming with TONS of wildlife. Our dogs wouldn't even THINK of chasing any car, motorcycle, bison, moose, elk bear or deer - you name it.

Now, it takes some training on our part, but it does work!

And, if from Cabela's you can always just send it back!
Sorry your dog got hurt... however.. bout' the only way i know to break him of it is a good 'dog proof' fence..

our dog lost one of her rear legs after being hit by a 4 wheeler and today she would go after another one i dont think there is ever a chance of breaking of a dog from this probably depends on the dog itself good luck your gonna need it
I had a dog that I had to use a 42" hog wire fence along with the "invisible fence" wire on the posts. He'd jump the fence without it. He died of old age and the dogs I got now won't jump it, so the "invisible fence" don't work any more. It brought lightning into the house one time anyhow.
I also had trouble with four wheelers where I used to live in Alabama. Had to run them off with guns. I'd sugar the tank of every four wheeler right off the assembly line if I possibly could, and blow up the rest, riders or no. I'd rather be knee deep in snakes than have to fool with those idiots. Need a hunting season on them.
I noticed not all replies are posting, that is OK. Surprised at all the controversy this has stirred up. Since we have had THIS dog, no more coon and possum problems in the garden and barns. I have one "neighbor" causing problems since he got hit, would go past many times a day, slow down, rev the motor, yell and kick at the dog when he chased, and saying he will sue. Came over in a car with no license plates. Wonder if it was his kid that nailed the dog, and he is trying to make life miserable. Have had the dog tied up since he came by bitching, and haven"t seen him go past on the bike since then.

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