Some funny family moments, laugher is great cure for sorrow

JD Seller

Well-known Member
The my kids all came to the house today for a late lunch. All the usual foods. We all eat way too much. Made over the grand Kids a little more than normal.

My Uncle (Old Iowa) also made it back from Arizona. He would have been coming home in few weeks anyway. So he just packed up the camper and hauled butt back here. He is part of the funnies.

He is a retired JD Dubuque plant worker. HE bleeds green. The day he left to go to Arizona I put two CIH bumper stickers on his camper. I put them down low so if you where standing they where hard to see but if you where in a car behind the camper you could see them. He got all the way down there and was there a few days when the guys in the camp grounds he stay at started to raze him about the CIH stickers. HE was HOT. LOL So I got him for once. HE is the biggest practical joker there is so score one for me. LOL HE will get me back but I will get him too.

Then the other funny memory. He and I got to talking and telling stories about family members long gone. The younger kids have not heard some of these stories so we try to tell them when we all are together.

We remembered digging my Great Uncle Richard's grave. Well we did not dig it we where just old enough to be there while the grown ups did the hard work. This would have been in the late 1950s. I was only 8-9 years old.

To really understand what made this funny you need a little back ground on my Uncle Richard. He was a bachelor. He lived with his spinster sister until she died in 1952. He never married, never dated that anyone knew about. He farmed a little and did general farm work for local guys. He also would dig wells and clear stumps out for guys. He loved to use dynamite. He just about always had some on him at all times. He would carry a stick in the outside pocket on his bid overalls. The fuses he carried in the top button pocket on his bibs. He had zero fear of using dynamite. Scared the heck out of everyone around him with it at times. LOL HE was kind of our local "Red Green" kind of a guy but with dynamite.

One time he was working on this big Burr oak stump. It was huge. He drilled four holes around the stump and put a 1/2 stick down each hole. He usually would get the stumps to just kind of raise up out of the ground not go flying everywhere. Well this time this stump was a lot bigger stump than what was common. The 1/2 sticks did not do the trick on the stump. He was PO at having to blow it again so he drilled six holes and used 6 full sticks under the stump. Well that was little much. LOL This stump was right next to this farmer's lane. That is why he wanted it out of the way so he could widen the lane. When Uncle Richard lit it off this time he got the stump to blow out alright. It took about 50 ton of dirt with it too. The hole was so big the farmer's lane was completely blocked. It gets even better. The stump hit the farmer's hay barn and damaged the roof. Needless to say the farmer was not real happy with my Uncle Richard. It took them weeks to get the lane and barn fixed.

So when My Uncle got into his mid 70s his heart was giving out in him. Nothing could be done in those days. He finally just did not wake up one morning. So My Great Grand Dad and my Grand Father dug the grave at the family cemetery. The side of the cemetery that his grave in on is right on some bluff rock. His was the last grave to be dug on that side. So when they got down to about three feet that hit ledge rock. I mean solid limestone ledge rock. So they had to hand drill holes into the limestone and blast it loose to get the grave deep enough. What they did not know was that his grave was on top of a hollowed out spot in the limestone. So when they blew the first charge nothing came out of the hole. When they went to see what had happened they found the hole now was twenty or more feet deep. LMAO They had blew the top out of the hollowed out spot. They had to haul rocks and dirt for two days to get the grave back up to where they could have a normal grave. I remembered all the hard work it took on that grave. My Grand Dad was trying to get my Great Grand Dad to just use the hole like it was and just fill it later. He said what difference did it make if the coffin was deeper. LOL A bunch of the other relatives all teased that Uncle Richard would have less distance to travel to his final destination. LMAO So even when he went out of this world he had to do it a little differently.

Maybe this is not funny to you folks but it is to us.
Laughed my aZZ off at that! Things like that always happen just when you don't want them too! Glad you found some humour at this sure rounds off the sharp corners.
That is funny. I was over by my Ma today, and seeing my Dad's picture on the wall still brings a tear to my eyes. He has been gone 3 years now. I learned more from him than I did in all the years of school, just took me time to realize it though.
thanks for the laughs. nothing like getting the wrong (or right) name brand of machinery on a vehicle.
and uncle richard even had a need for dynamite after he died! lol.
I do enjoy your stories. I am glad you are posting again!!!!!! SO PLEASE DO NOT LET THE SMALL MINDED PEOPLE STOP YOU AGAIN. THANKS AND GOD BLESS
It's always interesting to hear stories about the real characters in the family. Keep em comin. I was just telling my son the story about one of my cousins twice removed or something like that. My grandmother on mom's side was an ultra-conservative, prohibitionist, nnalert and as straight and proper as they came. She started a family tree of her side of the family and was getting along pretty well with it until she found out one of her nephews was fathered by the hired man instead of his mother's husband. The genealogy stopped right there and was never continued. My grandmother married a whiskey drinking nnalert. Never could figure that one out. Both of them were Danish and in their later years my granddad went back to Denmark to visit family and never told grandma. She never did find out. The only way we found out was when we cleaned out the house after he died and found a pill bottle with a Danish label on it dated during the time grandpa was on a 'business trip' and the pharmacy was in his home town. Jim
That"s a great and amusing story about your uncle, even after he was gone he made use of his dynamite. It"s always fun to have a little innocent fun and stir up the tractor wars every now and then.
We all grieve in our own way, and in my family it usually involves stories of
the past and some humorous tales of adventure from the dearly departed.
There's actually a term for this, but it escapes me at the moment.
It is healing, relieving and bonding all at the same time, as you pointed out.
We wish you and your family the best in this time of sorrow.
JD your family is much like mine, funerals are for sorrow yet there is usually a feeling of celebration when that big ole family gets together again. We don't have a family cemetery but most are buried in one of two community cemeteries in the home county. At least one of us stays at the grave until the vault is sealed and covered with dirt. Prayers uplifted for your brother and all of your family.
Thanks for sharing that story JD. We find comfort in the time of tragedy by remembering the good times of those past.
Please excuse the little man who hides behind his anonymous post.
Remember, those who go on and are in heaven, would not want to come back here. I believe that death is not the end, but merely the beginning.

God Bless you and your brothers family.

Kerry in mid MO.
Funny story. That one goes in my "Great Stories by JDSeller" file. Really.

Despite the jealous whining by the guy below, the rest of us know that you can't make up real-life stuff like this. Keep 'em coming.
I can just see the stump flying through the air, and your uncle thinking it is getting real close to the barn roof.Then the noise of the stump hitting the roof. I'll bet that was the talk at the coffee shop for a few days. Is there a full moon tonight? Stan
That was funny, I don't care who you are. J.D. I always look forward to your post. You have a real talent for telling stories. Keep it up. Rick

It's funny.I was chuckeling all the way through it.A little humor helps people get through a sorrowful patch.

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