
Hello everyone. I'm looking for a tractor that woulod be good for 3 pt mowing, snowblower, 3 pt tiller- I'm thinking around 35-40 hp. Someone I know has a 135 MF, gasser, 8 speed, repainted and decaled, really good tires, generally in really good condition. (2500 hrs on tach, not sure if its accurate though). What would be a reasonable price range for this tracotr? Any advice on different models of MF's in the 35-40 hp range? Thanks for looking!
It would have to be an exceptionally good gas
tractor for $5900. I think if it was a diesel,
$5900 would be more in line. The fact it has been
repainted causes some concern though. The price
being asked is for a premium tractor that you
would think would have been parked inside and not
need to be repainted. If it is as good as it
sounds, I think maybe somewhere in the $4200 to
$4900 range would be reasonable. Most MF tractors
in the 35-40HP range are very good tractors, they
all use just about the same drive-train. About the
only one to be leery of is a 235 with power
steering. Can you post some pictures of the
I've looked at a half dozen 135 gassers this spring, mostly in good to better than average condition. Most expensive one so far was $4300. One was $3200. That's about top dollar for gassers around here, and this is Massey country. A good diesel 135 will bring $4000 to $4700 on average. This time of the year, people get a little carried away with "asking prices".
(quoted from post at 21:32:39 05/26/12) It would have to be an exceptionally good gas
tractor for $5900. I think if it was a diesel,
$5900 would be more in line. The fact it has been
repainted causes some concern though. The price
being asked is for a premium tractor that you
would think would have been parked inside and not
need to be repainted. If it is as good as it
sounds, I think maybe somewhere in the $4200 to
$4900 range would be reasonable. Most MF tractors
in the 35-40HP range are very good tractors, they
all use just about the same drive-train. About the
only one to be leery of is a 235 with power
steering. Can you post some pictures of the

I don't have any pics of the tractor, if I go look at it I'll take some. I never went to look because I suspected the price was out to lunch. Is the steering bad on the PS 235? Thanks for the advise!
(quoted from post at 06:22:35 05/27/12) I've looked at a half dozen 135 gassers this spring, mostly in good to better than average condition. Most expensive one so far was $4300. One was $3200. That's about top dollar for gassers around here, and this is Massey country. A good diesel 135 will bring $4000 to $4700 on average. This time of the year, people get a little carried away with "asking prices".

I see what you mean about the asking prices. I'd really like a diesel. I called an ad for a 35 diesel. The pictures showed the paint faded completely from always being outside, and the tires were pretty weathered.- they wanted $5000!! I'll just have to wait it out. What state are you in? Thanks for the info!
The power steering problems on the 235 (I think it
was an option) were bad enough that they
discontinued the 235 after only 2 years and replaced
it with the 245 with hydrostatic power steering,
which was superior. A 245 would be an excellent
model to consider. I had a neighbor who bought a new
235 and ended up getting the dealer to take in trade
for a size bigger 255 because of problems with the
power steering.

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