205 Fuel Line - How to mount - Photo


Two questions:
#1. This fuel line goes from the lift pump (with glass bowl) to the primary filter...which end goes to which...my old one is no use for a reference.

#2. Do I use a brass ferrel on the end before the flange? Or just put it in as is? Thanks.

Engine is perkins ad3.152.
Hi JF,
I fairly sure in saying that the right hand end will go to the lift pump. You will need a small rubber sleeve to fit over the end of the pipe. The correct one is about 3/16 to 1/4inch in length and has a wall thickness of approx 1/16".
This is a neat fit on the pipe. The pipe nut closes up against the belling of the pipe and in turn compresses the rubber sleeve/olive. If you have some pipe of the correct ID it is possible to 'grind' the OD down with a fine stone bench grinder to suit. You will of course have to cut the ends accurately. I have done this on occasion but nearly always had the items in stock. A brass olive will not compress that close to the end and is unlikely to seal.

DavidP, South Wales

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