Ford 3600 6 cyl gasser


New User
On a Ford 3600 6 cyl gasser there is a site glass and it is cracked pretty bad and having trouble replacing it. Wondering if we could run a new line from the tank to the fuel pump with just an ordinary inline filter, or does the site glass have some significance we don't know about. Thanks for your input.
On a Ford 3600 6 cyl gasser there is a site glass and it is cracked pretty bad and having trouble replacing it. Wondering if we could run a new line from the tank to the fuel pump with just an ordinary inline filter, or does the site glass have some significance we don't know about. Thanks for your input.
Hello farmbj, welcome to YT! Here is a link to the replacement sediment bowl offered by YT!
YT Ford 3600 sediment bowl
The sediment bowl definitely lets you see if you have gotten water in your gas or other fine debris. There are some that will be totally against deviating from the stock design, to which I agree many of these tractors ran an incredible amount of hours as they came from the factory. Many say inline fuel filters don’t well with gravity feed systems so they nix them due to this. Your tractor doesn’t fit into that category because yours has a fuel pump.
If you have more questions about your Ford I would recommend placing them on the Ford forum in the “Manufacturer’s” section. More viewers there that know Fords.
On a Ford 3600 6 cyl gasser there is a site glass and it is cracked pretty bad and having trouble replacing it. Wondering if we could run a new line from the tank to the fuel pump with just an ordinary inline filter, or does the site glass have some significance we don't know about. Thanks for your input.
Welcome to the forums.

You have a 6-cylinder engine in a Ford 3600 tractor? Those were 3-cylinder tractors as far as I know. I think the 6 might be a typo, but if yours has a 6 in it, what is the engine and I'm sure pictures would be enjoyed.

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